Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 5:26 AM EDT
I am not a christian and do not totally agree with the religion, nevertheless, It all began with Cain and Abel. And i can very well relate firsthand to that biblical story because most jealousy starts within the home.
Years ago my own uncle admitted to me himself that the reason he sometimes was mean to me was due to his envious feelings. My mother had already told me before he did though that he was jealous because i was so very well taken care of. I had the type of mother that he didn’t have. Other relatives besides my uncle have also expressed their envies and jealousies by going out into the streets spreading vicious rumors about my mother and i in the past along with doing a lot of other nasty things.
And, aside from my unfit family i’ve been the object of much envy and jealousy from people on the outside as well. They were jealous of me when i was a young child going to school, while i was a teenager making it quite well on welfare, and now that i am a woman who goes to work.
One of the biggest things some are jealous of is that i haven’t been skanked up. They don’t like that i have never been dogged out by a man so they had to make up lies about me. They don’t like how i was capable of writing books so they had to interfere in my career. I don’t care who don’t like my books and what i write. If any of my literature is considered to be nothing to them that is their problem, not mine. I have Divine-given talents. Whoever can’t see it doesn’t matter to me because i know it.
Envy and jealousy has taken an all new high. It has been taken to a new level. Sometimes envy is made very clear. One can detect jealousy in people’s faces and actions but when you confront them about it most of the time their reaction is “jealous of what?” Jealousy is a very ugly thing and sometimes it is over the most little of matters. With some of them who were envious of me it is the home that i came from.
I have a share of negative relatives on both sides of my family and i am not anything like them. But in those particular peoples eyes i should have been. When i was a little girl a lot talked about what they believed i would turn out to be, thinking their children was so much more better than me when they weren’t. They couldn’t see that then. Their children’s families was in a way the opposite of mine yet their children still was the ones to fuck up and get fucked up by other people while i was the one who never got messed up at all.
They are all very jealous of my character. The person that i am. So they desperately sought and still seek to destroy me.