Drink Magazine

Entropy Series No 2 – Dageraad Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Dageraad Brewing in Burnaby BC comes their "Entropy Series No 2" the second of their barrel released beers. The beer pours a very deep amber colour with a very active off white head. The aroma consists of candy sugar, pear, oak and some mild brett. The flavour is of resin, tannins, oak, pear, tropical fruit, candy sugar, pepper, herbal hops and some mild alcohol. The brett character of this beer will build over time but it is pretty darn subdued right now. The alcohol content comes in at 6.8%. This is tasty fresh but if you got two bottles then you should really hold onto the second bottle and let the brett build!

Commercial Description: Amber Ale aged in a pear brandy barrel and bottle conditioned with brettanomyces.

Entropy Series No 2 – Dageraad Brewing
Entropy Series No 2 – Dageraad Brewing

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