Entertainment Magazine

Entertaining the Art of Advocacy

Posted on the 27 June 2011 by Rosedon19 @rose2_rose

This blog takes a look at the leaders within the entertainment industry and the advocacy causes that they are fighting for. Each post will be an open discussion about the issues within advocacy work. I believe it's important for businesses and entertainment leaders to stay informed on global health issues. This week I covered the topic of vaccines in Africa. Bono and The One campaign members have put together a documentary about different views regarding the vaccine issue that plagues Africa. Here are a few facts to consider: there are 2.8 million deaths from pneumonia and diarrhea that occur in Africa each year among children under the age of 5, this is higher than the combine total of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. This is one side of the coin.Then we have the other, Bill Gates also is a big advocate for vaccines in Africa, but for a totally different reason. His reason is populationcontrol...WHAT? Some people may agree with this whole population control issue. I, on the other hand, think that we should not be advocating this because its deceiving to tell people that vaccines help prevent disease and then turn around and say it's a good way to control the population. When I hear about issues like these from well respected individuals, I become really skeptical about any type of medication or doctor visits because if they are willing to do it in Africa who's to say that it's not happening here in the U.S.?
Do you think vaccines should be administered in Africa?

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