Entertainment Magazine

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile

Posted on the 07 August 2015 by George De Bruin @SndChaser

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile: Introduction

Welcome to Netlabel Profiles, the show that explores some of the best and most diverse music on the internet today. On this episode of Netlabel Profiles we visit Santiago, Chile.

Santiago de Chile , is the capital and largest city of Chile. It is also the center of its largest conurbation. Santiago is located in the country’s central valley, at an elevation of 520 m (1,706 ft) above mean sea level.

Founded in 1541, Santiago has been the capital city of Chile since colonial times. The city has a downtown core of 19th century neoclassical architecture and winding side-streets, dotted by art deco, neo-gothic, and other styles. Santiago’s cityscape is shaped by several stand-alone hills and the fast-flowing Mapocho River, lined by parks such as Parque Forestal. Mountains of the Andes chain can be seen from most points in the city. These mountains contribute to a considerable smog problem, particularly during winter. The city outskirts are surrounded by vineyards, and Santiago is within a few hours of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

Santiago’s steady economic growth over the past few decades has transformed it into a modern metropolis. The city is now home to growing theater and restaurant scenes, extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping centers, and a rising skyline, including the tallest building in Latin America, the Gran Torre Santiago. It includes several major universities, and has developed a modern transportation infrastructure, including a free flow toll-based, partly underground urban freeway system and the Metro de Santiago, South America’s most extensive subway system. Santiago is the cultural, political and financial center of Chile and is home to the regional headquarters of many multinational corporations. The Chilean executive and judicial powers are located in Santiago, but Congress meets in nearby Valparaíso.

Santiago is named after the biblical figure St. James.

So, what Netlabel is located in Santiago? That shall be revealed after a track from our featured Netlabel…

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile

That was Piano Piano by Asociacion De Muertos on our featured netlabel: Barbatruco Producciones, from Santiago, Chile.

Daniele provided an excellent history / overview of Barbatruco Producciones:

Barbatruco Producciones was born from a joke. A friend and I had formed an experimental music duo called Capital Umano, and we would act like we had a large production company behind us. There were invented people for handling things like the gigs, album artwork, flyers, etc. when really it was just the pair of us doing all the work that went into our music. This “production team” was Barbatruco Producciones.

Later, when Capital Umano split up, I kept using the name Barbatruco Producciones to have some kind of a company behind my work, but without understanding what really went into running a label (at least not in the traditional manner). Around 2005 I came to the idea of running a “digital” label, or a netlabel. It wasn’t until 2010 that I started releasing works, but most of them were still from the Capital Umano collaborations. I’ve always like to work with collaborations: I help you, you help me kind of arrangements.

The guiding principle behind Barbatruco Producciones has been to release original and uniqe music. It doesn’t make a difference if anyone believes in the idea or the style. Making those records is our statement, our way way of saying “we are here, no matter how strange, ugly and unconventional you may think we are. Originality and authenticity, or at least the search for authenticity, is the most important thing.”

Right now release mostly experimental music of all kinds: Noise, Ambient, Experimental Hip Hop, Experimental Electronic, etc.

At this time we have only online releases but we are preparring our first physical format, Dvd and probably some CDs, but in a very small number and with unique editions..

Most of the records are projects who are no longer playing or performing like Capital Umano for example, but there are some active artists, like Cinturon Negro, Kaffir, Polar, Bagre, I would say 10 to 12 artists in total. There are a total of 37 releases on our BandCamp site, and 65 releases on our Internet Archive site. Our releases are under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike license.

Let’s check out some more music from Barbatruco Producciones, on Netlabel Profiles…

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile: Closing

Thanks for joining us for Netlabel Profiles featuring the Barbatruco Producciones netlabel. If you enjoyed the music on this show, be sure to check out Barbatruco Producciones at http://barbatrucoproducciones.tumblr.com/

This show is released under a Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial Share Alike license. All of the music from Barbatruco Producciones played on this show is released under a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commerical, Share Alike license.

Be sure to check out the enhanced version of this show on The CerebralRift (http://cerebralrift.org). The posting on The CerebralRift includes:

  • Additional selections from the Barbatruco Producciones catalog
  • Links to all the music played on this show
  • Links to the references used in preparing the profile of Barbatruco Producciones
  • Links to the Barbatruco Producciones website, and social media sites
  • A printed transcript of this profile
  • And an exclusive printed interview with Barbatruco Producciones founders.

Thanks for joining us for Netlabel Profiles. This is your host SndChaser signing off, and wishing you the best of free listening!

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile: References

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile: Playlist

Artist Title

Asociacion De Muertos Piano Piano

Invitados Especiales niño de oro

Capital Umano Babies

Cinturon Negro / Unierahor 9

Un Festin Sagital Dignidad

Youtube People Cuando David conoció a Goliat

Ragazzi D’Inverno Retrato de Vocal

Invitados Especiales constelacion

Capital Umano sun raiser

Bebés Anonimos Bebés

Enhanced Barbatruco Producciones Netlabel Profile: Interview

1. Please introduce yourself / yourselves…

Hi,Im Daniele and im the master mind(ha!)behind Barbatruco Producciones,I live with my girlfriend and our cats in Santiago of Chile,and also have a pay job that is not very interesting to talk about haha

2. How did you decide that you wanted to run a netlabel? (Did anyone or anything inspire you to do this?)

Actually I didnt know about netlabels(like 6 years ago or something) I mean to me labels on the net where just “labels”,I didnt see too much of a differrence with big labels except that they run it more like a business(majors) than like a way to find and show the to world new music,I was not really inspired by nothing or nobody in particular just I knew that no label was gonna pay attention or edit what I was doing (yes I do music as well) so we could say that the ethic of the punk subculture kind of inspire me DIY=do it yourself

3. Why did you decide to release your works under a Creative Commons license?

MMM,I didnt know too much about Creative Commons I think my friend from Capital Umano told me about it(maybe in 2005-2006),I knew I didnt like copyright laws because from the very start I was using music from another sources or musicians (Sampling),I never think as the music or waves or vibrations or what you wanna called it,“belongs” to someone,but I think there has to be some kind of regulation after all,specially with big companies/labels or corporations who sometimes just “use” your work/music/images without permission and they make TONS of money,I like the Creative Commons I think is more fair to everyone,the creator and the receiver or “public” (I don’t like to talk about “fans”)

4. How much time do you spend on running your netlabel?

Well,as I told before,I also make music,videos,artwork so it takes most of my time,actually when Im at work im doing something netlabel related maybe setting up some release,artwork or video,or some music ..so yeah it takes a lot of my time,I don’t go out too much actually..but I like it

5. Have there been any projects (ie netlabel related, but not necessarily about a release, like maybe you set up a concert / festival / etc.) that are especially memorable to you?

yeah,i’m not too much of an organizer,but yeah I made a couple of that(concert),last one was april 25( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-SecHludAM) and I think to go thru with it and people to come,even if the music is not very commercial or easy going style,also people who comes to play,to me im already pay with that,im already happy,in fact the last one I organized at my house,I even lost money,so is not like an easy thing,but I was happy anyway,and tired…..(organize,play,record on video,taking pics and helping every musician to be ok and comfortable is very stressfull and tiring work to do…)

6. Is there a long-term goal for your label?

Not really,I want to make physical editions in the meantime,but that will happen more sooner than like a long tearm thing…

7. Are you involved in anything else other than producing music? (IE, videos, CD’s, wallpapers, t-shirts, etc.)

Well yeah,as I told I make videos for our releases,I make most of the artwork too,now im gonna start to print some digital art I made during the years,I also take pictures and of course record our gigs or my gigs,anytime I can

8. Any cool stories about projects / releases? (IE, they got used in someone else’s movie / video, or something similar.)

There is a lot of stories actually specially in the Capital Umano era,we once played without havent been on the original schedule,was a post-punk gig or something(we were kind of experimental/industrial/hip hop/humourous mix combo) and my friend have to borrow a drumkit cause he didnt have anything at that time(just some toys and non professional instruments,ha!),I was only with an electric guitar with no amp,so we borrow an amp for me and a drumkit without drumsticks! he just played with his bare hands! and I just made some feedback with this guy tube amp,the audience hate us(cause they were waiting their post-punk/Punk groups to play) because we where improvising and making feedback noise(me) that they were not expecting at all,good thing is that some guy approach us after we play and invited us for a gig he was organizing in some pub the next week!so anyway was a cool night after all

9. What is your take on the future of music? (IE, do you think streaming will be more important than downloads, do you think the major labels will go bankrupt, do you think more people are turning to netlabels than traditional music sources, etc.)

I think majors will continue to do most of the same,but they are opening to the new technologies that comes along with times(Slowly but they are doing that)they have to know that things are not the same as 10 years ago,I don’t think that more people are turning to netlabels,when a netlabel becomes too big,to me they turn to be more like a mini-major,so I don’t trust to be the “solution” of music,there is still a lot of people who know nothing about this subculture of Netlabels,they know how to download a song from their phones but im sure a lot of people they know nothing about netlabels,to them is just still important to when his/her favorite big artist will come to town and pay absurd quantity of money to go see it(at least here in Chile is working that way,very very expensive tickets for “big” concerts)but yeah definitely people are using more and more digital references regarding music and downloads of music today most of the people knows that you can “find” a song on the net and have it for free, kids from 5 years they know already how to deal with smart phones and all this technology

10. Any upcoming projects / releases / events you would like to mention?

Besides the Netlabel Day releases,there is a lot in mind to come out:first the two non digital editions in DVD format,that will be Maquinistas(Cinturon Negro and Polar duo project),Kaffir(audiovisual project,with collection of almost two years of work) the third volume of Ketsugou which is our split series (beatmaker/electronic musicians from around the world),there is always a monthly mixtape by Cinturon Negro of random music(from funk,hip hop,soul,avant garde,blues,etc etc etc),and we have for sure other ideas that will come true in the future.

Barbatruco Producciones: Contacts

Label Barbatruco Producciones

Email [email protected]

Website http://barbatrucoproducciones.tumblr.com/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Barbatrucoproducciones

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/barbatruco-producciones

BandCamp https://barbatrucoproducciones.bandcamp.com/

Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/BarbatrucoProducciones/

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/molibento

Vimeo https://vimeo.com/barbatruco

IA https://archive.org/details/barbatruco-producciones

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