Destinations Magazine

Engaging Followers on Twitter

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Eli Rose Social Media specializes in helping small businesses optimize their online presence. They offer everything from search engine optimization to easy to understand training to ongoing social media management. Every Tuesday, they offer insights to the readers of Little Indiana on how to use the internet and social media to build their online brand. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

There are two bad habits we typically see when training clients on how to best use Twitter for their business. Simply stated they are:

  • Using twitter solely to promote your specials or your company
  • An account that has little to no interaction with its followers

We’ve talked previously about the 80/20 rule.  I cannot stress how important this is when it comes to social media. At best, if you talk about nothing but yourself, others will tune you out because you’re boring. At worst, they’ll unfollow you completely if you do nothing but talk about yourself because you’re annoying or offending them.

So, once you cut back on blaring your promotions how do you start a conversation with others? It can be intimidating. In fact, a client recently asked exactly that: “When I attempt to engage with those who follow my brand, what do I say to them?

This is a simple response. Talk to others as though you were talking to them in person. If you like their bracelet, tell them. If you think their joke is funny, laugh. Just be social. Be human. Talk to people like you would if you were meeting with them face to face.

Really, it’s easy to understand how Twitter why Twitter is intimidating. That’s because Twitter is different than all the other social media platforms. Don’t over think it though: getting involved and mingling with people is the best way to meet others. And frankly, it’s how Twitter can be both fun and lucrative.

Showing customers you care about them and what is happening in their lives is the quickest way to build trust and create a long-lasting, loyal customer relationship. And like I said, it can be really fun. I wouldn’t be surprised if Twitter is your favorite platform in no time at all.

Interested in learning more? Head on over to Eli Rose Social Media or follow them on them on Facebook or Twitter.

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