Hair & Beauty Magazine

Endermology (LPG Systems)

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

Endermology is the name of a method of multidimensional mechanical stimulation of soft tissues developed and patented in 1986.

The procedure is performed using a special manipulator, which is equipped with two independently rotating rollers. Initially, the technology was created for use in therapeutic medicine.

Endermology is the only technique recognized by the FDA (USA) - the most stringent medical certification system, as truly treating cellulite of any origin and at any stage of development, which will help you to have the best urban body without any kind of environ products.

How does it work?

During endermology procedures, we act directly on the skin and subcutaneous fat, which causes changes in the skin cells: fibroblasts begin to synthesize collagen faster, which forms a new skin framework with the correct structure. It also increases microcirculation and lymph flow, eliminates stagnation, and, most importantly, in the process of lipomassage, there is an impact on fat cells.

According to the results of studies, the lipolytic activity of adipose tissue cells increases significantly with this effect. This leads to the launch of lipolysis even in the areas of the most "persistent" local fat deposits that do not respond to diets and physical exercises and the elimination of cellulite.

The manipulator makes it possible to work with the inner surface of the thigh, the sub-gluteal folds. The procedure ends with a phase aimed at improving the quality of the skin. This is necessary to prevent it from sagging after the loss of volume during the course.

What are the results?

Endermology cannot be compared with any known aesthetic technique. Neither vacuum treatments nor manual or vibration massage are comparable to LPG technology, which simultaneously improves the physical condition and appearance of a person.

The technique allows you to effectively work with all the problems that exist in the aesthetics of the body in one procedure:

  • reduce body fat;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • remove edema of various origins;
  • improve microcirculation in tissues;
  • improve skin turgor and elasticity;
  • adjust the contours and restore the symmetry of the body.

The use of new techniques in the lipomassage technique gives excellent results in a short time.

Patients with severe skin stretching problems (women who have lost a lot of weight after childbirth, patients with age-related skin changes, or undergoing an intensive diet) undergo a special procedure to tighten and strengthen the skin. It should be noted that the results obtained during the course of procedures are preserved for many years.

Is this procedure safe?

Having an active effect on the tissues, LPG endermology is one of the most physiological and safe procedures. In addition, it has general health, immunomodulating, and relaxing effects on the body. And, since changes in the tissues occur at the level of cellular metabolism, the results of the course of LPG massage procedures are preserved for a long time.

What medical problems does endermology solve?

In addition to aesthetic medicine, LPG endermology is used in therapy, rehabilitation, rehabilitation, and sports medicine.

Therapeutic endermology gives the following results:

  • eliminates muscle spasms;
  • eliminates back and lower back pain;
  • relieves edema, including in the case of "heavy legs" syndrome.

The method can also be used during pregnancy (in the absence of obstetric contraindications) - a special program has been developed for this purpose. In addition, the physiology and safety of the procedure are used in rehabilitation, which includes preparation and recovery after liposuction, treatment and prevention of vascular problems, anti-stress programs. Endermology is also ideal for postpartum recovery.

Sports endermology reduces the recovery period after prolonged physical exertion several times, treats sports injuries and restores damage to muscles, tendons, relieves pain and swelling.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • Feverish states.
  • Chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.
  • Infectious diseases of the skin.
  • A course of active hormone therapy.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Oncological diseases.

The combination of endermological procedures with other body treatments (biostimulation, laser lipolysis, wraps, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, intralipotherapy) significantly enhances the effect.

Does it hurt to do LPG massage?

Since the impact of the vacuum and the rollers is quite powerful, uncomfortable sensations are possible in sensitive areas. User reviews of the procedure range from "completely comfortable" to "painfully painful". The presence and severity of painful sensations depend on the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits, the intensity of exposure, and, of course, the individual pain threshold.

Modern LPG massage machines allow you to choose programs of different intensity levels, so you can choose the most effective and painless program for each client.

One technology - 4 results!

  1. removal of "stubborn" fat deposits, reduction of body volume;
  2. lifting and strengthening the skin;
  3. cellulite treatment;
  4. modeling a harmonious figure.


LPG massage is a special value for all those who want to get and maintain a perfect figure. With this procedure, you will be able to completely painlessly normalize the metabolism, correct the figure, improve the tone of the entire body, make the skin elastic and elastic.

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