Entertainment Magazine
Are Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield getting back together?! The Easy A actress was spotted out in Beverly Hills on Wednesday, April 29, picking up items from her stylist’s office and one bag in particular has caught our eye. Stone, who recently split from her boyfriend of three years, carried with her a shopping bag labeled for Garfield.
While it’s unclear what exactly was in the bag -- or why it would be in Stone’s possession -- the two exes do share the same stylist.
The Amazing Spider-Man costars, who sources tells Us decided to take a break from their relationship after constantly butting heads, hadn’t been photographed together since photobombing a fan this past January. Garfield was also absent from the Oscars, where Stone was in the running for her performance in Birdman.
As for their split, another source told Us that Garfield’s intense character in Martin Scorsese’s upcoming flick Silence is to blame.
"He'd been in a dark place for months, getting into his role," the insider told Us of the 31-year-old actor, who lost 40 pounds in preparation for the film. "He wasn't being the best partner.”
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