Food & Drink Magazine

~emerald Green Dipping Olive Oil~

By Ally @allykitchen

Sometimes the simplest things are the most striking and stunning.  So, this idea came while Ben and I were in Steamboat Springs, Colorado~~we’d ridden our Harley there, amazing countryside and there’s nothing like feeling the freedom of life with the wind blowing in your face, sitting on the back of a Harley snuggled in tight, listening to the rumble, yes, that Harley rumble, and looking in amazement at all Mother Nature has to offer.  Riding on the back where there’s nothing to do but think and absorb is when I come up with some of my most fabulous ideas for dishes, too~~something about the natural terrain, the panoramic view, the smells and more that ignite my imagination.

Now the little restaurant we went to in Steamboat was Mazzola’s Italian Diner~~from the outside it literally looks like a dive, nothing special~~it’s connected to the historic Hotel Bristol, so since we were staying there, all we had to do was walk out the front door and right next door, oh, about 10 feet away, was the door to Mazzola’s.  Tucked in a basement-like setting, when we entered, I just knew we were in for something special~~the smells, the vintage looks, the crowded tables and bar~~yep, it reminded me of treasured hideaways in Boston’s North End.  This dipping oil was served with, of course, homemade crusty Italian bread, and I was enchanted by the vibrant color, there’s was even more emerald than mine, even in the dimness of the surroundings~~this oil just sparkled. So, I asked our waitperson how it was done, and, without hesitation, she told me! Now, I’m sharing it with you~~here’s to taking time to put some ~~peace and more vibrant color~ in your life~~ xoxo ~ally

~emerald green dipping olive oil~

Makes: 2 cups
What you need:
2 cups extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup packed fresh basil leaves
1 cup packed fresh Italian parsley
1/2 tsp. red chili flakes (optional)

~emerald green dipping olive oil~

What you do:
Put one cup of olive oil in the food processor with the the basil and parsley leaves. Pulse until a thick mixture. Add the remaining oil and salt and pulse another minute or so.

Strain the oil into a container if you want to remove the very small microscopic specks of basil and parsley or leave them (like I do!). Add the red chili flakes if you want a slight kick.

Place in a clean glass jar with a lid and use for cooking and/or dipping oil!

~emerald green dipping olive oil~




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