Tech Magazine

Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Analysis Showing Native American Ancestry

Posted on the 15 October 2018 by Makably

Politics is that kind of knot which when tried  to release and loosen, gets more complicated and tighter!”

Washington: Elizabeth Warren recently released a DNA test which says that she had a Native American ancestor. She provided a sample of DNA to some private lab in Georgia in August. Finally, it was sent to some other team. She claimed that she was absolutely committed to release the report regardless of the results.

The analysis of her DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, who is a Stanford University professor and who bagged a 2010 MacArthur fellowship, popularly known as the genius grant, for his DNA analysis on his work of tracking population migration. He said that the vast majority of Elizabeth Warren’s ancestry is European, but contradicting this, the results support the existence of a Native American ancestor. He also calculated that Warren’s pure Native American ancestor traces back to 6 to 10 generations ago. Bustamante also declared confidently that it was not an error. Bustamante is believed to be one of the leading analysts in the entire world.

This behavior of Warren reveals how seriously she is taking the attacks on Trump. In July Trump said that he would offer $1 million to her charity of choice if she takes the test. He also allegedly nicknamed her “Pocahontas”.

Warren campaign’s “fact squad” showcased information and data about her heritage. They also took an opportunity to put out a video of her including her family in Oklahoma. The video also displays Trump and secretary Sarah Sanders and many others making fun of her heritage claims, which ironically were now proven to be true through the DNA test.

During Warren’s academic career, where she worked as a law professor, she changed her ethnicity to Native American from white at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Warren is about to seek reelection in Massachusetts and expects to win a second term easily. She claims that she’ll take a ‘hard look’ for Democratic Nomination for president after the midterm elections get over. Taking the DNA test, she is showing that she plans to be a different candidate than Hillary Clinton.

In a nutshell, this overall picture depicts that she is running for president in 2020.

And not just running, she’s running ‘hard’!

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