Fashion Magazine

ELECTRIC Hair | Harvey Nicks.

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

india alexandra see the sparkleWe all know just how much I enjoy the promise of a new haircut (you only need to click on my HAIR STYLES tags to see), so when Harvey Nicks got in touch with me a good couple of weeks ago asking if I would like to come along to their little soiree to celebrate the opening of the new Electric Hair salon, how could I refuse? Even if this was after a 10 hour working day. With the evening sunshine streaming through my bathroom window, a change of outfit and make-up refreshed, I was all set to go. Topshop earrings (similar styles) | Reiss Kali top (similar) All with a slightly untidy looking bathroom behind, but I assure you it’s not. You’ll just have to take my word for it. Since the evening light shining into the Penthouse was so glorious (the best it had been all day, typical) I asked ma to snap a few outfit shots as I usually never have time to do these blogger things! I am always the last one dashing out of our fuchsia – purple door, and then running back up remembering I have forgotten something. Tonight though, I was somewhat organised. Pink skirt last seen HERE ...

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