I plan to keep this blog/creatrix relationship going for as long as my brain and fingers allow me to do so. – “Seventh Anniversary”
Eight years now. Damn. There are quite a few older blogs, but I daresay not many bigger ones; despite travels, travails and troubles, I’ve somehow managed to produce a post every single day since July 10th, 2010. That’s almost 3000 of them now, and that isn’t even counting the books, essays for other publications, audio and video interviews, and speeches I’ve given in public (not to mention the innumerable unrecorded rants to which I’ve subjected my admiring clients and long-suffering friends, the latter not always while entirely sober). I’ve produced so much material, in fact, that I’m currently in the process of collecting it into “best of” volumes, which will be available both in paper and Kindle format; the first of them, The Essential Maggie McNeill, Volume I, should be available within a month. Each one will consist of 52 essays, roughly 1.7% of my total output to date. I’d like to have as many of them done as possible by the time I need to start gallivanting about the country promoting my forthcoming documentary, The War on Whores. I’m still deeply sad and bone-tired, but the fury of my deeply-offended sense of justice is driving me on (with the assistance of friends, pharmaceuticals and of course lovely, lovely money), so I plan to keep this up until I croak. And as those of you who’ve been paying attention for the past eight years know, I can always be counted on to persevere as long as it is humanly possible to do so, and then just a bit longer.