Arts & Crafts Magazine


By Leonied
H: We did quite a lot of walking this week - given the gorgeous days we were having it would have been a shame not to! Lots of sunshine - though still chilly - but oh so glorious! We went back to the sights from last week for some better photo's and you three had a ball running around, climbing and exploring. And you sitting and soaking up the sun in front of the Museum and Art Gallery - your composed little grin sums up the happy outings we've had. Also this week you announced that you want to play soccer/football when you start school here... so can we please get you a ball sometime if possible? Not sure where this idea has come from quite so suddenly, but we've made a note :)
A: You love picking up your sisters. Especially the little one. And she loves getting piggy-back rides from you and being carried around the place. There is just something so adorable about this interaction between you two. You really are such a awesome big sister.
L: So.much.personality. You have taken to walking around with your hands in your pockets when we're out. Or holding onto my hand with the other in a pocket. Along with that look on your face and the way you strut... you really are a character. And you think it's hilarious to close your eyes for photo's... You love, love your sisters doting on you and lap up every bit of it. What a lucky little sister you are :)
L xx

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