I've experimented with eggless cake recipes, this one was brilliant! The kids gave this recipe 2 thumbs up and even wanted seconds!!
Many Indian, specially Gujarati people are vegetarian and do not eat eggs, so this recipe is a great option.

I have tried many recipes in the past, the outcomes are usually too moist and sticky or dry and hard, this one has the sponge texture without being sticky or dry and hard.

This cake is such a simple but yet satisfying moreish! It can be so tricky to find the right combination to get the airy egg type cake without the egg!

100g Margarine
100g condensed milk
100ml milk
1 tsp vanilla
50g Sugar
200g flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp vinegar
Fruit Jam

In a mixing bowl add margarine and caster sugar and beat together.

Add vanilla extract and condensed milk to the mixing bowl and beat with the margarine sugar mixer.

Add in the flour, baking soda and baking powder and mix only until the flour is mixed in.

Add the vinegar and milk to the mixing bowl and slowly mix, bringing the speed to medium as the mixtures comes together.

Mix the batter for about 1-2 minutes on medium high.

Grease two cake tins and dust with flour, spoon equally the batter between the two tins and spread into the sides.

Bake in the oven at 170c for about 20-23 minutes until golden brown then allow to cool for about 2 minutes, and remove from the cake tin onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Spread some fruit jam on the first cake, and sandwich on the second cake, sprinkle on some icing sugar and serve. I used raspberry jam.