Hair & Beauty Magazine

Effective Natural Home Remedies for Hair/Head Lice Treatment

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Hair lice are a common issue encountered mostly among school going kids or teenagers. These insects are crawly and wingless and easily spread between people. Any head to head contact can cause these pests to infest your hair. This mostly occurs during the winter and fall seasons. It can also be encountered all through the year. In case you encounter a lice infestation, make sure you treat it right away. Here are  easy and simple tips that can help you get rid of these insects. Read on to get rid of all lice and nits on your hair and scalp.

hair lice treatment remedies

Cleaning your House stops lice:

Keep your house louse free. If there are any clothes, linen or any other accessories that have been used for lice treatment, make sure you sterilize them well. Separate all the brushes and combs used for treatment. Keep towels and hair accessories separate to prevent the spreading of lice from one person to another. Keep these accessories clean and prevent infestation.

Combing hair when wet treats lice:

Head lice can be treated effectively by trying this technique of wet combing. Coat enough of olive oil or almond oil on your hair. Separate your hair in to a number of different sections and start combing. While you are combing, keep washing your hair in running water. Try this regularly to get relief from lice.

Buy good Electric Lice Comb:

There is an electric lice comb that uses battery to operate. This kind of comb makes use of electric discharge. Lice are killed as soon as the comb comes in contact with them. This comb is safe to use too. You just need to comb your hair with it, and all lice are killed instantly. As it is safe, you need not worry about side effects or any harm to your hair or scalp.

Essential Oil for lice prevention and treatment:

Essential oil treatment is great for getting rid of any kind of itching on your scalp. It also removes lice and treats any kind of infection. Read these steps to make a mixture:

  • Mix some tea tree oil, 15 drops of rosemary oil, 20 drops of thyme or lemon, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, and 10 drops of lavender oil.
  • Mix them well and store in a bottle.

Take some amount of this mixture and rub on dry hair. Use a shower cap or a towel and cover your head with it. Let it stay on your hair for about an hour and wash off using a good shampoo. This is very useful as it makes your hair fresh and free of lice.

Mayonnaise treats lice on hair:

Mayonnaise is an effective cure for lice in your hair. It kills head lice and prevents them for infesting. Take some mayonnaise and cover your hair and scalp generously. Use a shower cap to cover your head. Let this stay on your hair overnight. Use a mild and good shampoo to wash your hair and make it clean the next morning. Lice on your hair are killed on applying mayonnaise.

Medicated Shampoo for lice infestation:

Medicated shampoo treats hair lice

You could find a number of medicated shampoos available in the market that promise to get rid of lice on your hair and keep your hair clean. Find out a good shampoo with ingredients that are effective in getting rid of lice. Test it on your hair and make sure you do not have any allergy to it. Once you get the perfect shampoo suiting your hair type, use it to clean your hair. Leave the shampoo on your hair for at least 10 minutes and wash off. Comb your hair well to get rid of the dead lice. It helps you treat lice and even the nits on your hair.

Oil and Vinegar for lice treatment:

Mix together half a cup of vinegar and half a cup of olive oil. Apply generously on your hair and scalp. Let this mixture stay on your hair for an hour. Use a shower to cover your head after applying. Use a good shampoo to wash your hair and make it clean. This treatment is really good for getting rid of lice and keeping your scalp clean and fresh.

Petroleum Jelly good for lice treatment:

Petroleum jelly is another ingredient that cures the problem of lice in your hair. Take some petroleum jelly and cover your hair with thick layers of it. Use a shower cap to cover your hair and leave it overnight. Get some baby oil or mineral oil and remove the petroleum jelly from your hair. You also need to remove all dead lice in this process. After this, use a good shampoo to remove any remaining traces of petroleum jelly and lice.

Tea Tree Oil shampoo for lice treatment:

Tea tree oil is a natural product that repels lice. It treats lice infections and keeps your scalp clean. Get a shampoo and conditioner that has got tea tree oil content to prevent and also cure lice infestation.

Vinegar best treatment for lice as well:

Vinegar is another ingredient that is good for getting rid of lice. You just need a good rinse with some vinegar. Make a solution with equal amounts of white kitchen vinegar and water. First, shampoo your hair well. After that, rinse using the solution prepared. Rub the solution in to your hair and scalp well. Wash off with water and remove all odor.

These simple tips can help you get rid of lice in your hair. They make your scalp clean and free of lice and nits. The next time you encounter any lice on your hair or on your child’s head, pick out a remedy of your choice and treat immediately. Remove them soon enough to prevent spreading, infections and other issues.

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