Fashion Magazine

Easy Fashion Fix

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Don’t throw that magazine in the recycle bin just yet!

I got this great tip from my friend Nicole of The Wardrobe Code the other day – I was looking for a good way to display my boots in the closet (an organized closet, she says, is the first crucial step to a successful wardrobe).  She recommended rolling old magazines to keep the shape so the boots would stand up instead of flopping over. Genius.

There is nothing I like more than to find something seemingly useless and make it useful, especially when it’s essentially free. So I pulled out a few old issues – I don’t usually keep magazines, actually, I tear things out and recycle them. But I just happened to have missed a few several months back and wouldn’t be bothered to read them now.

After stuffing the first one in I realized that it would need a little reinforcement. So a rubber band on each end holds it perfectly to size in my slouchy boots. In more fitted pairs, wrapping the band twice works well.

Rolled Magazine Boot Shaper

Now they stand straight up and look lovely every time I open the closet. And since they’re banded it’s easy to pull out and put back in. I can’t wait for boot season!

Boots and Magazines


Organized Boots and Shoes

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