I have heard about apple butter off and on over the years and never really knew what it was. It seems to be more of an American 'thing'. I wasn’t sure if it was an apple flavoured butter, but when I researched, I discovered it was actually more like an apple jam. A spreadable sweet and spicy concoction perfect for spreading on toast or, in my case, crumpets.

I researched it a bit more online and to me the easiest way to make it seems to be in a slow cooker. I found a few separate recipes on-line (including the brown-eyed baker) and tweaked them to suit British measurements.

It does take a long while to cook the apples down (oh, and to peel the little buggers first off) but it is so worth it. I jarred mines up and took it along to work. My colleagues loved it. And, they all said it tasted like Christmas. That will be thanks to the spices in it – cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves.
With that in mind, I thought I’d bring you this recipe a couple of months early so you can perhaps give it a try and, if like me, you think it’s fantastic, you could make several jars up as Christmas gifts.

As I said, a slow cooker is needed, but the only elbow-grease you need to expend is when peeling the apples. I used gala apples and pink ladies, but any apple would do really. And if it has a red skin, add some of the peel to the slow cooker. This imparts a lovely russet hue to the finished butter.
Keep it in the fridge once it’s made. Mine’s has been there for a month now and it still tastes fine. I have also frozen some, as it makes a lot, and when defrosted it was just as good.
Here is the recipe;

Easy Apple Butterby Stuart Vettese October-9-2014Apple Butter made in a slow-cookerIngredients
- 3 Kilograms apples (any variety)
- 225 grams granulated sugar
- 200 grams dark brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract or paste
I am entering the apple butter into the 'Slow Cooked Challenge' hosted by Janice at Farmersgirl Kitchen. The theme this month is 'Open', so anything goes.