Family Magazine

Earth Sea Sick Mama

By Earthseamama @earthseamama

Well a few days ago I noticed Baby F was very congested and had a runny nose so I picked up some infant saline spray and it seems to be helping. Thursday night was crazy he woke up every 10-15 min but thankfully that only lasted one night! I couldn't figure out where he caught a cold... I was not sick and neither is my Fiance and I don't go out very often with Baby F so I just couldn't figure it out...he is 9 months old and has never been sick! Then I remembered our babywearing class... Baby F was playing with 2 other babies and one of them had a runny nose. I am cautious about germs but at the time I was not worried about them playing get sick thats just a fact of life.

Its been a few days and Baby F is feeling much better but now I am sick....this sucks we are moving across the country in 21 days...and I am sick!!! Agh. We are down to the wire and I need to pack boxes to ship and sell off the rest of our stuff on Kijiji an set up meetings with friends to say goodbyes and I am sick!!! I was sitting here tonight trying to think of a good blog topic and I can't focus because my head feels like its the size of a blimp LOL!

If anyone has suggestions of how to combat a cold while breastfeeding please comment :) I need to beat this thing fast and get back to full speed.

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