Entertainment Magazine

Eades: Constantly

Posted on the 19 June 2024 by Hctf @hctf
Eades: Constantlyphoto: Sam Joyce

Leeds garage rockers Eades go for dirty, fuzzy sound on their single Constantly. It is a tough song about drugs and booze wreaking havoc in their immediate surroundings. As per usual there is plenty of opportunity for the audience to sing along on this one. They used a few tricks from the Oasis manual, but imitation is the best form of flattery.

Constantly is released via their own label Bam Bam Records. Their new EP Fight or Flight will be available on August 14th.

UK live dates:
  • 09/14 Bristol @ Breakfest
  • 09/18 Manchester @ Gullivers
  • 09/19 Norwich @ Voodoo Daddy’s
  • 09/23 Portsmouth @ Edge Of The Wedge
  • 09/24 Brighton @ Hope and Ruin
  • 09/26 London @ Strange Brew

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