Gaming Magazine
EA Sports UFC may not join its siblings FIFA and Madden NFL as a yearly release.
Speaking with Fortune, EA CEO and former EA Sports boss Andrew Wilson said he’s not sure EA Sports UFC “feels” like an annual title.
“Do I think that UFC would be an every year game? I don’t know. It feels like it’s in that every-other-year mix, but in all honesty we haven’t made that decision yet,” he said.
“That really comes down to how long it’s going to take to make a great game and when do we think the audience is ready.”
Wilson comment came in the context of a broader discussion of franchise annualisation.
“There are products that we will do every year, and there are products that we’ll do every other year and there are products that we’ll do every four or five years, and the industry has demonstrated an appetite for that,” he said.
“We get a new GTA game every four or five years, but there is an immense appetite. What we’re looking at right now is how long is it going to take us to build a truly innovative game in that genre, and when do we think gamers are going to be ready for that next one.”