TV & Video Magazine

E! Online Juicy Spoiler

Posted on the 18 June 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

E! Online Juicy Spoiler

If like me you just can’t get enough True Blood at the moment, and are particularly foaming at the mouth over the Eric and Pam flashback, then the good folk at E! Online have got the ultimate in juicy spoilers for you.

WARNING: Don’t cross over if you want to stay spoiler free!

E! Online Juicy Spoiler

According to E!

No Biting the Merchandise:As you will soon learn Lorena (Mariana Klaveno), Bill, Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Pam have a very long, sordid and interesting history. Bill and Lorena were out sowing their wild oats when he and Eric clashed before. This fun flashback also explains why Pam isn’t the biggest Bill Compton fan.

E! Online Juicy Spoiler

So Bill and his crazy-bitch maker Lorena were “sowing their wild oats”, perhaps in Pam’s brothel? Could the dead girl Pam discovered in Room 3 be just another one of their many, many victims? I’d say that’s a very interesting development, and of course we don’t need to be too concerned about Pam as she already has a certain mysterious viking vampire on her side to protect her.

E! also gave a little snippet on one of our favorite returning characters, the vampire Steve Newlin.

The New Nan Flanagan: Reverend Newlin (Michael McMillian) isn’t just showing up in Bon Temps to make himself an unwanted party crasher, he’ll have a whole new role at the Authority. He’s the best person to take over the old face of the Vampire Authority now that he’s a vampire and a smooth-talking religious nut spokesperson.

E! Online Juicy Spoiler

Steve Newlin, the new face of vampires in America? Well he’s certainly more fun than Nan ever was, and he’s already appeared on television to talk about his life changing re-birth. The more Steve the better we say!

Original source – E! Online

Let us know what you think about this possible latest developments? Any thoughts on Bill and Lorena in 1905 San Francisco?

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