Fashion Magazine

Dusky Rooftop Views

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

cassandra struthersLet’s get back to the warmer climes of Mallorca where evening rooftop dwelling is a must as the sun goes down casting a dusky glow over the city.  Maybe if I was a little more organised with my posting and more on top of things we would have left Palma behind by now … But, well, I’m not so look forward to many more days (or it could be weeks!) of Mallorca related posts. I know that I broke up the blogging relationship with Palma to write my post on the Friday Fashion Fun at JD // see here //.  I may intercept the blogging timeline with a few present day moments slotted in. Living on the edge of mystery these days, what can I say? Certainly no apologies for it, it’s just the way the creative mind rolls so on that note let’s go back in time to our fourth evening. As I mentioned at the start, the evenings in Mallorca are beautifully warm and as the city falls into dusk it becomes aglow with a golden rosy light which quite by chance is also perfect to shoot a few photos. Some call it the “Golden Hour” of photography, ...

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