Debate Magazine

Dumbass Republicans and Other Critters

Posted on the 17 October 2014 by Lowell
Dumbass Republicans and Other CrittersDumbass Republicans and Other CrittersDumbass Republicans and Other Critters
[Photo from]
It's hard to know where to begin; there are so many frightening dumbass Republicans!
Here are a few examples.
Dennis Ross, a Republican representing the Sunshine State of Florida, has introduced a bill in Congress to ban all direct flights from west African countries - those countries in which Ebola has made some headway.  Ross doesn't want any infected folks flying straight into JFK or Newark or Miami or Boston.
The first problem with this proposal by dumbass Ross is that there are NO direct flights from that part of the world to the U.S.
When he was presented with that fact, Mr. Ross said he didn't care, he still wanted his bill passed - just in case, ya know.
And then when health "experts" said this was a bad idea as it might affect the ability of health workers to get to where they are needed or to get supplies to the right places, dumbass Ross stuck to his guns.  Just like the NRA.  Facts never impact a Republican's ideology.  Same goes for the NRA.
Sarah Palin.  Lordy, lordy, what would we ever do without this mistake from Alaska?  She wants to make a "global apology" because, well, you know, Obama.  Oh, and this ISIL thing.  Obama obviously doesn't know what to do and he doesn't take these militants (who are just like Hitler) seriously, and oh God, if only John McCain were president.  John McCain should be president and all would be well in the world!
Now both people who listened to her were so bored they went to get a beer and missed the thing about John McCain being Amurica's "savior."
Rick Scott is the governor of Florida.  He's also a criminal.  And a fraud.  And a crook.  Wait, I just said that!  He's also a "fan-atic."
Needless to say, this Republican desperado is a Republican.  He was to debate Charlie Crist (the Democratic candidate for the Florida governorship) the other night but Scott thought he could pull a fast one and make Crist look like a fool so he refused to come out from backstage because Charlie had a fan on or near his podium.
Seems that ol" Charlie (who may not be the Christ figure we need, but is sure as hell better than Scott), never goes anywhere without his fan.  Now, Scott, being a sneaky character, knew there was a clause in the debate contract or agreement that negated electronic devices.  Everyone knows what that means, including Scott, and it has nothing to do with something so mundane as a fan.
Charlie strode to the podium and stood there by himself to wait for Ricky.  Ricky didn't show.  Lots of people booed Ricky.  Finally, Ricky, in a last-minute attempt to save himself from being torn to shreds, shuffled out looking even more lame than usual.
The debate began.  It was essentially meaningless.  But Scott looked almost as stupid bitching about the fan as Eastwood did talking to a chair!
Lots of people in this country thought it best if we kept out of the conflict created by the ISIL militants in the Middle East.  It never, ever has gone well for the U.S. when we've gotten involved militarily in the Middle East.  Never.  Ever!
But it is possible we don't have enough information.  At any rate, the US along with other countries have instigated a military response consisting of jets flying over ISIL positions and bombing the hell out of them.
What could go wrong?
Seems to me we bombed the hell out of North Vietnam and we know how that ended!
And now, the ISIL crazies have captured three jets from the Syrian military.  Iraqi pilots who have seen fit to join up with the militants are training other members of ISIL to fly said jets.
Bombs away!
Ebola is not funny and it is indeed dangerous and we need to be aware of the dangers and take whatever precautions are necessary.
You may have noticed that the pundits at FAUX News and in the MSM (NBC anyone?) are doing their best to try to ease American minds about Ebola.  The way they're doing that is talking about Ebola 24/7 and discussing all the hoary details involved in an Ebola infection and noting that already we've got probably three confirmed cases of Ebola in this country.  Oh my god!
Let's see, what's the ratio of 3 to 316,000,000,000?
A word of advice:  Don't panic!
Paul Ryan.  Do I need to say any more?  A Roman Catholic who adores the atheist Ayn Rand.  A Republican with Catholic "values" but no compassion for those in need.
We are very fortunate that Mr. Ryan is not our vice president; that when Romney bombed Ryan went down, too.  It's bad enough he's in Congress.  In a shining example of his mental aptitude he decided to diss most all the climate scientists in the world by stating there has always been global warming but it's not caused by humans and to think otherwise is not scientific.
This at the same time people in the South Pacific are scrambling to find higher ground - entire countries moving to safer places; at the same time Pentagon chiefs complained publicly that global warming is going to drastically alter their war-making effectiveness.
Ryan continues to have many admirers.  As a friend of mine says frequently, the people deserve what they get when they vote bozos like this into office!
Speaking of bozos, it's hard to beat Scott Brown, now a candidate from New Hampshire for the U.S. Senate.  Brown, you may recall, was at one time a senator from Massachusetts, but lost his last election bid to the brilliant and feisty Elizabeth Warren.
So, what do you do when you lose an election in one state.  Well, if you're a Republican named Scott Brown, you move to another state - in this case, New Hampshire, and try again.
Brown is not one of the brightest bulbs in the Republican chandelier nor is Thom Tillis from North Carolina, both of whom have played upon the fears of the American public by crying about our "porous" borders and claiming that anyone with Ebola (including especially Islamist militants) can simply walk into the United States and infect millions of our citizens!
The implication being, of course, that Mr. Obama and their Democratic challengers are not doing a good job of insuring the safety of this country.
And finally we have good ol' Tom Cotton, the GOP senate candidate from Arkansas.  Talk about bozos! Mr. Cotton, who is probably named for what's between his huge ears, also thinks our borders (the southern one in particular) are much too open.
His reasoning is a little different, though.  He's very much afraid - and he implies that the good folks of Arkansas should be very much afraid, too - that ISIL (or ISIS) is planning to join forces with the Mexican cartels to "infiltrate" the United States and head north to kill the people of Arkansas.
Cotton must have decided in one of his hissy fits that Arkansas is the center of the earth.
Dumbass Republicans and Other Critters

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