- Climbed to the top of trees with Glenn Brickhouse and Ellis Liverman and swayed the trees back and forth to ride them to the ground like an amusement park ride. Great fun except the time one broke, dropping Ellis about 20 feet straight down to land on his head.
- With Glenn, played who can throw the rock closest to the house window without breaking it. I won. And I ran like hell while Glenn was getting his ass tore up with a curtain rod. What a friend.
- With Glenn, purposely set a plank insecurely across two branches of a tree, sat on the plank, and rocked the tree back and forth, so we would fall out but not know exactly when. Doh.
- Hunted for dog poo with Barry Jackson, so we could put it on people's doorsteps. Got mad when we couldn't find any in the yard, so we broke into a dog pen to steal some. Yes, seriously.
- Had dirt clog fights in a potato field on a pitch black night with Glenn, Barry, Scott Jackson, and others. Run! Which way? I don't know!
- With Glenn (do you sense a pattern here?), climbed out onto a tree branch overhanging a road and dropped gumballs onto passing cars.

- With Glenn, Ellis, "Cheesy" Thomas Brickhouse, and others, played football in a literal hurricane with waves crashing up over the top of a neighbor's sound front house trailer. Throw the ball forward; watch it go backwards.
- Rode bicycles with Barry Jackson 7 miles to town. Stopped in the middle of the country road because a black bear was sitting in the middle of it and would not move. Rode a little closer and barked like hound dogs to try and get the bear to move.
- Played bicycle chase with Barry on wet streets in town. Took a corner too fast, lost control, flew over the back of a car, and landed in a prickly hedge. Hoped Barry wouldn't laugh at me. Then realized that was his body flying through the air about to land on top of me. Got up and felt no pain until we pointed out each other's bloodied legs. Funny how it hurts after you see it.
I'm sure there is enough material for another post, but that's all for now folks.