(This is the fourth part in a series. All related posts can be read here.)
This evening visibility has suddenly gotten much better. The Bears Paws mountains south of Havre are very clear and dark against the sky. They’re approximately 40 miles away. The range to the west (I forget what Farmer called them) is now very visible- this morning only vague. They’re approximately 70 miles away- bet you could see two hundred miles in perfect weather and had a mountain range @ two hundred miles at which to look. Smoke from fires and haze has dissipated.
The sun impresses me yet again. The hour of setting sun and fading light at the end of the day makes the entire day worthwhile- at least in the short run. Phenomenal feeling, mood, temperature, setting…
Yet another day. Last night I saw one of the most spectacular sunsets of my life – only Hawaii compares. I raced back to the grain bin on the quad. The sun shone rays below this patch of clouds. There was blue sky along the horizon beneath the clouds. The bottom tip of the sun broke from under the clouds as I rode back. Got to the top of the grain bin (approx. 30ft) and watched the sun appear slowly from behind (and below) the cloud until the entire orange circle was visible. Then it began descending behind the horizon and dropped out of sight. Being on top of the grain bin, and seeing the total progression from no sun to full sun and then back to no sun was awesome to watch. First one I can recall where I saw the whole sun disappearing.
If all goes well, tomorrow could be the last day of harvesting. That’s a bit too optimistic but we’ll see. (To be continued…)
The full series of Dry Paper Notes can be read here.