

Posted on the 10 November 2020 by Chandigarhayurved

Dronapushpi has many names. Dronapushpi is also called Gumadledona, Goya, Morapati, Dhurpisag. You may have seen the Dronapushpi plant near or around your homes. It is produced everywhere during the rainy season. Rubbing Dronapushpi plant gives a basil-like smell. Do you know that Dronapushpi is a very good herb, and has many medicinal properties. Do you know that Dronpushpi benefits and uses are available in fever, vata dosha, typhoid, insomnia. Do you know that in neurological disorder, hysteria, herpes, itching, etc., the medicinal properties of Dronopushi are also benefited.

Dronpushpi benefits and side effects

Many good things have been told about the quality of Dronapushpi in Ayurveda, which you need to know, because you can take advantage of the medicinal properties of Dronapushpi in inflammation of the pores, arthritis, anemia, jaundice etc. Apart from this, you can also take benefit from Dronopathy in case of indigestion, cough, cold, eye diseases, headache, and scorpion stings. Let us know here one by one how many diseases are benefited by consuming or using Dronpushpi, as well as knowing what can be the side effects of Dronpushpi.

Name of Dronpushpi in other languages

Botanical name of Dronapushpi Leucas cephalotus (Roth) Spreng. (Lucus cephalotus) is Syn-Phlomis cephalotes Roth, and belongs to the Lamiaceae (Lemieceae) clan. Other names of Dronapushpi are: -

Dronpushpi in -

English- Gumadledona, Goya, Morapati, Dhurpisag

Sanskrit-Dronapushpi, Phalupushpa, Palindi, Kumbhayonika, Drona

English- Thumbe (Thumbe)


Gujarati-Doshinokubo, Kubo, Kubi

Marathi-Tumba, Devkhumba, Shetvad

Punjabi-Chatra, Guldoda, Maldoda

Tamil- Kocaratacilta, Neyppirkku

Telugu-Peddatumni, Tummi

Bengali-Ghalghase, Barahalkasa



Rajasthani-Udapata, Nidalu kubi

Ayurvedic properties




Karam- vatakapha shamak

Medicinal properties of Dronpushpi

These are the ayurvedic qualities-actions and effects of Dronapushpi: -

Dronapushpi is melodious, bitter, salty, warm, guru, short, sharp, aphrodisiac, phlegmatic, dietary, penetrating, meditative and interesting. Its almanac has vedicidal and inflammatory properties.

Dronpushpi Benefits and Uses

The medicinal properties, quantity and methods of use of Dronapushpi are: -

Treatment of headache with medicinal properties of Dronapushpi

The medicinal properties of Dronapushpi are beneficial in eye diseases. For this, apply the juice of Dronpushpi leaves on the head. With this, take the nasal passages. Headache is cured by this.

Grind the Dronapushpi almanac. Mix black marich powder in it and apply on the forehead. Headache is also cured by this.

Benefits of Dronpushpi in cold and cold

Make a decoction of Dronapushpi and steam it. Use this decoction during bathing. It is beneficial in winter.

Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and honey in 10 ml gum leaf juice. It is beneficial in cold and cold.

Make a decoction by mixing equal quantity of vanafsha and liquorice powder in 5-10 grams of Dronapushpi leaves. Mixing sugar candy in 10-30 ml decoction is useful to cure cold and catarrh.

Read more: The use of celery in cold and cold is beneficial

Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Eye Disease

Grind Dronapushpi with washed rice water. Take 1-2 drops of it in your nose. It is beneficial in eye diseases. Besides, applying it like mascara is also beneficial in jaundice.

Dronpushpi Benefits in Fighting with Cough

Mix equal quantity of honey in the juice of 5 ml Dronapushpi leaves. Drinking this is beneficial in cough and colds.

Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Indigestion

You can also use Dronapushpi to treat indigestion. Make and eat vegetable of Dronapushpi leaves. It benefits in indigestion, and increases hunger.

Benefits of Dronpushpi for Anemia and Jaundice Treatment

Applying Dronapushpi juice like kajal and taking it through the nose is beneficial in anemia and jaundice. You have to mix equal amounts of honey in 5 ml of juice, and use it.

Mix 500 mg black marich powder and rock salt in 5-10 ml Dronapushpi juice. Taking it thrice a day is beneficial in anemia and jaundice.

Benefits of Dronpushpi for Liver and Spleen Disorder

In liver and spleen disorder take powder of Dronapushpi root. Add one part Pippali powder to it. Taking 1-2 grams is beneficial in liver and spleen disorders.

Benefits of Dronpushpi to Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is cured by making a decoction of Dronapushpi.

Make Dronapushpi almanac. Giving 10-30 ml decoction mixed with 1-2 grams of Pippali powder cures arthritis.

The medicinal properties of Dronpushpi in inflammation of the pore hole (Dronpushpi Benefits for Skin Pore Swelling)

For the treatment of inflammation of the uterine cavity, the use of Dronapushpi is beneficial. Make a leaf of Dronapushpi. Mix it in horse urine. Apply it. This reduces inflammation of the pores.

Herbal medicine for itching and scabies is benefits of Dronpushpi for Itching.

You can also take benefits of Dronapushpi in itching and scabies. Apply with the juice or paste of Dronapushpi leaf. It cures wounds, body irritation, ringworm and itching.

Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Insomnia

Drinking Dronapushpi is beneficial in insomnia. Many Ayurveda teachers use it. Drink 10-20 ml of Dronapushpi seeds decoction. It helps to sleep well.

The medicinal properties of Dronpushpi in hysteria

Dronapushpi is beneficial for hysteria. Make a decoction of Dronapushpi and take bath. This cures hysteria. Do visit an Ayurvedic doctor for better benefits.

Beneficial part of Dronpushpi

These parts of Dronapushpi are used: -

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