Want to take a dip in the pool? Heres a recent bright eye makeup I did incorporating a little bit of glossiness. I love glossy eye makeup, it photographs beautifully. Not the best for long lasting but it is a fun look.
I packed on The Body Needs Beyond Teal into my inner corner then mixed some of the pigment with OCC clear lip tar and layered that on top.
If you like this look I'd really appreciate if you headed over to Savvyist.com to vote for it by clicking the heart. http://www.savvyist.com/media/10414

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics (OCC) Skin Conceal Y3 , Lip Tar Clear
Anastasia Beverly Hills DipBrow Ebony
Thebalm Nude'tude Palette
The Body Needs Beyond Teal
Ben Nye Creme Yellow
Sugarpill Cosmetics Buttercupcake