Dramatic moment when a dog escapes heatstroke | YouTube
A parked car can become a deadly place for a dog. The temperature inside a vehicle can reach up to 120°F/49°C on a 78°F/26°C degree day within minutes and can soar to 160°F/71°C on a 90°F/32°C degree day within 10 minutes. What would you do if you saw a dog sitting inside a vehicle during a sizzling hot day? The following video shows the dramatic moment when two girls answered that question.

A car can reach up to 160°F/71°C within 10 min. on a90°F/32°C day | YouTube

Heatstroke can lead to organ failure in dogs | YouTube
In the following video, watch as two girls confront a deadly scenario as they make a split decision when they spot an overheated car with a dog.
VIDEO: Heart-stopping moment a dog narrowly escapes heatstroke
Dogs should never be left in car during a hot day, but which type of dogs are at a greater risk for heatstroke?: Puppies, older dogs, overweight and sick canines who are sick or recovering from surgery. In addition, breeds with double-coats, breeds bred from cold climates and short-faced (brachycephalic) breeds are at even greater risk.
LIST of Double-Coated, Short-Faced and Cold Climate Breeds:
Akitas Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
American Eskimo Dogs Huskies
Anatolian Shepherds Irish Wolfhounds
Bearded Collies Malamutes
Bernese Mountain Dogs Newfoundlands
Boston Terriers Norwegian Elkhounds
Bouvier des Flandres Old English Sheepdogs
Boxers Pekinese
Bulldogs (especially English Bulldogs) Poms (Pomeranians)
Chow Chows Pugs
Collies Samoyeds
Golden Retrievers Shelties
Great Pyrenees Shibu Inus
Source: Yahoo Voices
You may also find the infographic How to Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer a helpful guide on keeping your dog safe during the hot days.
Source: PETA | RSPCA | Yahoo Voices