Books Magazine

Dracula- Bram Stoker

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Dracula- Bram Stoker
This book was read as part of The To Be Read Pile Challenge, and The Rory List

Synopsis (from amazon)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula introduces one of literature’s most famous characters, as the terrifying Count wreaks havoc on the band of hunters intent on stopping him. Review When I posted my list for the To Be Read Pile Challenge a lot of people said that Dracula was a great choice, so I decided to read it as my first book for the challenge. A lot of my TBR pile books are classics, mainly because I find that reading classics tends to take more stamina than more contemporary novels. Dracula was no different really. It was probably easier than some of the other classics however. I like gothic novels so I loved the gothic elements in Dracula, although I did expect a bit more of that. I also enjoyed the hunt as the ‘team’ tried to track down, isolate, and destroy Dracula. It had a decent portion of action but also had some thoughtfulness which was more interesting to read. I imagine when vampire folklore was less well known these portions of the novel would have seemed smarter and have much more of a climax. Nowadays vampires are pretty ingrained in popular culture so things aren’t as much of a surprise. There was a little bit of a feminist element which I hadn’t expected. Mina is undoubtedly a clever and strong woman. She is often seen as just a woman, until she does something that is seen as remarkable, and even then the effects of that only last for a a little while 3/5 Buy it: Kindle (free) Paperback (£8.77) Other Reviews: Giraffe Days Roof Beam Reader Have I missed your review? Leave me a link in comments and I will add it here
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dracula- Bram Stoker

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