Mr. Drewe: We made a plan. But we forgot about emotion. And emotion's what can trip you up every time.

Thomas: Do you want to see Lady Mary showing off her pigs?
Thomas: When do you need me, Mr. Carson?
Carson: When indeed.

Bates: You're married and that means you never have to cry alone again...Have you ever thought about adoption?
Anna: You are tribal Mr. Bates
Bates: To me we are one person and that person can't have children.

Mrs. Hughes: It's not us. It's not who we are. It may be where we work. But it's not who we are...The wedding day is mine.
Mrs. Hughes: I just don't want to be a servant on my wedding day.

Lady Mary: Let me discuss it with my pig man.
Lady Mary: I hope that's the last time anyone calls me Auntie!