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Currently, there is a lot of emphasis placed on upscaling your home. Avoiding clutter is important, and families tend to grow rather than shrink. So eventually, we move from our starter home into one that can better contain our families and us. It’s what we save for and what we work for.
Less attention is placed on moving into a smaller home. It is almost as though the idea of “downsizing” is a kind of defeat. Bigger is better. That can be people’s opinion even if – as for many of us – the home we live in becomes too big for us after a while. Kids grow up and move out. It costs more to heat and keep a bigger house. Why not downsize?
There are some definite advantages to doing so, and not just for the reasons above. While a bigger house is a laudable goal, the same money will get you a better small place. When you’re thinking about selling your home, it’s worth looking at what you can get for the same price.
How To Go About Downsizing
The first thing to consider if you do think about downsizing your home is your reasons for doing it. For example, if one child has moved out and another is about to, it means you don’t need as many bedrooms. If you’re moving for financial reasons, then you need to think about where else you can lose space.
Bear in mind which of your possessions you will need to bring over, and which can be sold, disposed of or passed on to other people. If you have a son moving out, then they may need furniture and appliances to get them started. You don’t want to move from a home with too much space to one with too little.
Looking For A Smaller Place
Again, this issue depends on your reason for moving. If you don’t need all the space you have, this is where real estate can get interesting. Whatever you make from the sale of your current place, you can look at a smaller one in a more pleasant location. You could, alternatively, find a similar location but add luxury and/or appliances.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to pay less for a new place, or have smaller mortgage payments, then there will be options available to you. It makes a viewing all the more necessary, however – you’ll need to know that you’re comfortable in a smaller space.
Other Things To Consider
If you’re moving out of your current home because the number of people in there is decreasing, then bear in mind the fact that some moves don’t stick. If a son or daughter calls you to say they’re too homesick at college, or the new job in the city is not working out, can you fit them in in the new home?
For reasons like this, it is worth considering that if you lose a bedroom, you at least get one of a bigger size in the new home. That way you can set up a single bed in there for returnees. Whether they are temporary or permanent!