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By Ollypj @OllyPJ

There are many things I hope to write about over the next week but I’m going to start with a simple update announcement concerning a brand-new addition to this blog/website…

Congratulations to anyone who’s already noticed but, over the weekend, I added a ‘Downloads‘ page.

This is, unfortunately, not going to be a source of regular content. Although, everything and anything made available to view will remain absolutely free to download.

It’s been on my to-do list for a while and I currently have two items that I intend to share from this moment forth.

First up (and, quite ironically, it’s the one that’s not yet available), a set of plans (including a SketchUp drawing) for an extending table I made back in 2009 that uses a traditional draw-leaf construction. This stems from the consistent interest I receive from my very first YouTube video, which very briefly demonstrated the extending action. With that, I offered to e-mail people the (complete) SketchUp drawing and, well… I have lost track of that many moons ago! Being able to host it here, offering the file(s) for free and then being able to link to that from the video’s description on YouTube should put an end to all current issues.

Except, I haven’t a clue on how to create the plans or even a .PDF file! Yet, I realize this is something many video content-based woodworkers are doing on a weekly basis.

Secondly, you are now able to download the complete series of Walk West eBooks from my blog!

These were originally written by a man named Geoff Mullett, with many walks (spread over three issues) covering a variety of lengths and distances across the Westcountry and South Wales area. Geoff has recently given me permission to do this as these books are no long available to purchase. I have been using them for about two years and they’re an invaluable resource that continually inspire me to get outdoors and explore somewhere near but entirely new.

I am required to inform you that these three titles were last updated in 2013 and that they will not be receiving any further updates. There is one walk (Bridgwater Bay) that is currently impossible as the land there is being redeveloped by the Environment Agency so, you may need to be prepared to face future obstructions… Although, I’ve not come across anything worse than a field of overgrown crops of a wild bull and I’ve probably covered a bit less than half of Geoff’s walks!

That’s all for now. There is always the chance I might add more content in the future (perhaps even my own walks and eBooks!!). I may consider making some of my woodworking SketchUp drawing available too. But, right now, I should try to focus on getting the draw-leaf table ready!!

Thanks for reading and feel free to share, provided that the author(s) are respected appropriately.

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