Having read Kathleen's blog this week, I am beginning to wonder whether mistaken identity also played a part in my own marital breakdown. My ex-husband was seen at a country pub with a woman who "looked very like me but was much taller". Apparently they were kissing rather passionately. It probably doesn't matter 16 years after the divorce but I can't help wondering now, whether it actually me, with my hair done and make-up on, wearing and high heels. Oh well - we all make mistakes!
Of course we know that doubles are used in public life as decoys, especially for Presidents. I believe that Sadam Hussain had several, all of them expendable. The same is said of the tyrant Adolf Hitler. My view is that one of each of them was more than enough, resembling one of them must be a life sentence in itself. Funny though, we seem to like people who impersonate others. There is a local lady who looks and attempts to sing like Amy Winehouse. Elvis Presley is alive and well. Perhaps I should say that there are thousands of Elvis Presley's around the world, many making a living from duplicating his iconic styling.
The upsurge of Marvel Comic book movies has given free reign to the idea of the alter-ego, after all, where would Spiderman be without his ordinary persona Peter Parker. Most of the Batman characters are based on the duality of human nature. I always found Cat Woman particularly appealing and went to a Halloween party in a version of the costume. I found the mask, long claws and bull whip tail, realised my inner dominatrix - oops I mean kitten. I must confess, the idea of having a double is both unnerving and strangely appealing. A little like wearing a disguise.....

Wasn't me You accuse me of spending too on clothes, by an exclusive fashion designer, you say that the game is up because you spotted the name on the hanger but I only shop at TK Max, so that was my doppelganger.
You said that you saw me playing golf, in Spain at the course called La Manga,
you said that I putted like a pro,
with a swing to rival Langer.
You must have mislaid your eagle eye,
for that was my doppelganger.
And when the village barn caught fire, the night was the 5th of November, you told the police I went out on my own, you said that I’d taken a banger but I’m not a fire-starter my dear,
that was my doppelganger.
It strikes me that you have been indiscrete, you may have dropped a clanger
I don’t mind at all that you slander me
I won’t give vent to my anger,
but if you should die from an axe in the head,
it will be my doppelganger.
Just a bit of fun! Thanks for reading. Adele Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook