Starting off researching becoming a pilot, the first thing I did was join an online forum for pilots. Looking back on it, wow... what a terrible decision. If you want to research the dark side of aviation, go there. There is an opportunity given by online forums to share information and be constructive. Sadly, I found relatively none of this. The one bright/dark side (depends how you want to think about it) is that you do see the other side of aviation, when things don't always work out. In many places on the forums, I felt like I was surrounded by disgruntled workers. I have essentially given up using the forums because I got very little from them in return. When people would respond to a thread, it often turned into a rant about their own careers rather than answering the original question, or at least trying to be constructive.
Here are a few highlights of negative responses which I received via the forums:
- “Good luck man, but if it were me knowing what I know now, I'd run man.... run fast.... run away...”
- “You could end up multi-divorced, bankrupt with no retirement, and permanently disqualified from flying (medical, violation, training failures).”
- “It can be thoroughly rewarding, just don't be surprised if you become a divorced, depressed alcoholic along the way.”
And my personal favorite, about this blog:
- “I started a journal of the same nature when I began college and started my pilot training. It's remarkable/comical looking back on it. I was SOOOOO excited to become a pilot.”
Needless to say, comments like these are hard for someone like me to hear, especially when it is your passion/dream.

Just know, if you are an aspiring pilot, THERE IS an OPPOSITE SIDE to this. In relation to this, here is what two pilots, Karlene and Brad, said (both have fantastic blogs): “I think staying out of the forums is an excellent a matter of fact, I do the same. The union representing the pilots of American Airlines hosts a forum for pilots to discuss their thoughts and concerns with like minded individuals. Unfortunately, the forum has degraded over the years to a small group of pilots who constantly see only the negative side of the profession. It is easy to get to this point of your career and forget how good you have it. I don't like being influenced by people like that, so I don't participate in the forums. It's too bad really, because there is a lot of good information to be passed around if the forum was being used as it was designed. I think you are going to be an inspiration to many young people who may be discouraged by the state of the airline industry in the past ten years or so and beat down by the negativity present in so many public forums. Stand your ground and don't let the naysayers get to you Swayne.” -Brad Tate, the blog: Airline Pilot Chatter

“Swayne, there are always people who are negative with whatever they do. Do you think when you meet the woman of your dreams and you date that the same level of excitement will last forever? Of course not. It shifts. Romance of flying will shift too. But it doesn't have to go away. Life changes. Life is hard work. Flying is hard work. But very rewarding. I'm not sure of anyone who started their dream job can be as excited about it... in any the end of the day. I guess it depends if you are flying for the end goal, or the journey. But the point is... you should never listen to someone else and what they think and don't like, or do like. Do what makes you happy and what you want to do. If it turns out you don't like it anymore, then change jobs. There are no guarantees in life. For anything. You just have to love what you're doing when you're doing it.
My answer is run from those people. There will always be people pulling you down because life did not live up to their expectations. If there is something you want to do… do it. This is your one and only life. Remember one thing—Happiness is a choice. Some of my best times were the most challenging. No matter what challenges we face, we can look for the good. We can find the good. ” -Karlene Petitt, the blog: Flight to Success

For aspiring pilots: What I have gotten from so many pilots online and off, is this: It is ALL about attitude. Make the best of what you have and remember what you are doing and why you are doing it. Just like in anything, there is a certain amount of risk that corresponds with becoming a pilot. The industry is ever changing, and it can be hard to figure out which steps to take in order to become truly "successful." In the end, the career can and likely will pay off if you work hard, stay positive, and keep your enthusiasm. Just remember why you started in the first place.
I'll end with this great quote from Cap'n Aux (Eric Auxier, Author of the Last Bush Pilots). He also has a great blog:
- “But rather than worry about whether this career is going to be worth it, turn this question around. Do you dare risk NOT doing it?? If you let those jaded cynics talk you out of it, forever will you wonder "what if" other words, you'll be miserable!” -Cap’n Aux
^I know I would regret it forever if I don't at least give this career a shot. What about you?