Friends, I am so happy to share with you a Champions For Kids SIMPLE Service Project we participated in with Dole and the Presa Community Center. We are teaming up with some friends to donate healthy fruit snacks for kids to their Emergency Food Bank.
In college my husband worked at Presa and was already familiar with the center because it is located in the neighborhood he grew up in. As parents of newborn twins, we were very appreciative of his job there and the supportive staff. He has maintained relationships with children he has mentored and is now seeing some of them off to college! As we have moved on in our careers, we are happy to see it's growth and are always hoping we could do our part to give back.
When we got the chance to participate in the Champions For Kids SIMPLE Service Project with Dole, I knew just where I wanted those donations to go. So I rallied my troops (I mean my twins) and told them that we were doing another service project. I told them the story of when they were born and where daddy worked. We talked about what Presa Community Center did and how they help provide nutrition to filies that might need some help feeding their families. We talked about how nice it would be for us to add fruit snacks to their pantry for the kids.

Then we were off to Walmart to shop! The Fruit Squish'ems are my favorite to give to the kids on the go and the bowls are always great for snacks and lunch boxes.
To get the kids more engaged we decorated a box and printed the Champions for Kids logo to glue on. We also used a colorful table cloth we had from a previous birthday and had some snack ready for our friends! Peep my Google + album to see our time at Walmart and how we decorated at home!

Special thanks to our family and friends, especially Melanie at Que Means What, for taking the time to donate with us! Before the day ended, we rallied our kids and packed up the donations and fruit snacks and they were ready for deliver.

After, I made sure to submit our project with Champions For Kids, because they also match te donations given away! Win win!
The CFK SIMPLE Service projects make it easy to give back. It has allowed us to teach our children some humility, teach them stories of our past and are show them that they are a part of a greater narrative!