Entertainment Magazine

Donatella Canepa: "Fuga" Video

Posted on the 04 March 2019 by Hctf @hctf

Italian guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Donatella Canepa made a zero budget video for Fuga - just her with her guitar in the snow, with the aid of some post-production color filters. It's a track from her L'Orizzonte Degli Eventi album. "If Ennio Morricone would have into hard rock this it what he would have come up with for a particularly bloody Western, Canepa keep the momentum going through her short and sweet excursions, nodding to dance rhythms in DJ Attacco and updating the classic use of contrapuntal techniques in the fast and furious Fuga."

» donatellacanepa.it

HCTF review of L'Orizzonte Degli Eventi.

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