Entertainment Magazine

Don't You Forget About: Election

Posted on the 06 November 2012 by Cinefilles @cinefilles
Sure, it's fun to catch the latest flick at the multiplex, or grab the newest release at a video store, but sometimes you just gotta say, "Out with the new, and in with the unknown." There are plenty of older flicks out there that are worth a rental, but never registered on your radar. In Don't You Forget About, we remember the long-gone gems, so you don't have to.
Don't You Forget About: Election
WHAT it's about: Crazed perfectionist Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) is determined to win the title of student council president (just another accolade among several other high school achievements), against some unlikely competition and the interference of a teacher (Matthew Broderick) who secretly can't stand her.
WHO's in it: Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Broderick and Chris Klein. An odd combo when you think about it.
WHEN it came out: 1999
HOW come you haven't heard of (or just seen) it: You may have seen it, but chances are, you've forgotten about it. The main cast is remembered for other movies. And if they aren't, they aren't remember for much else at all. It received high critical acclaim when it released and was nominated for an Academy Award, but if someone asked you to name a Reese Witherspoon or Matthew Broderick movie, are you really going to say Election?
WHY you need to watch it--immediately!
  • It's hilarious! Allow me to illustrate with Tracy's narration: "None of this would have happened if Mr. McAllister hadn't meddled the way he did. He should have just accepted things as they are instead of trying to interfere with destiny. You see, you can't interfere with destiny, that's why it's destiny. And if you try to interfere, the same thing's just going to happen anyway, and you'll just suffer."
  • What it if only for Reese as Tracy Enid Flick and the scene when she insanely tears down all the election posters in the hallway until her hands are blistered bloody.
  • It's completely self aware, like when Mr. McAllister asks his class the difference between ethics and morals, on the cusp of his own moral/ethical tumult.
  • This was the film that really made us fall in love with Reese, closely following Pleasantville and Cruel Intentions. She's perfect as an insane psycho-freak.
  • Ferris Bueller is now a teacher! Well, not really, but ironic, right?
  • Ever wonder what happens when brilliant writing meets, a tremendous cast and a great director come together? It's dark, awkward, strange and clever.

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