Lifestyle Magazine
So I was waiting in line at the bank the other week and the person behind me was so close that it felt like she was right up on my butt and I could feel her breathing on my back. Because I'm not really into strangers all up on me, this of course made me feel uncomfortable so I shifted forward as soon as the line moved and stuck my foot out a little behind me in an effort to create a little distance. This person persisted and was still right up against me and my leg. She actually acted offended when I deigned to secure my bag under my arm. Well I don't know you or your intentions so excuse me if I don't want to give you a chance to reach into my bag. This is not an isolated incident and it has happened in a number of instances/venues. It's also not necessarily culture or age based though Asians tend to be way less cognizant of personal space. I say this as an Asian person who shops regularly in Chinatown.