Family Magazine

Don’t Piss Off Something That Can Bleed For A Week And Not Die!

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Honestly men who do they think they are at times?

So the husband has got on my nerves today, as usual. He decided he was going to cut the grass, great it needs a cut, off he goes and within minutes he’s moaning.

“Put kettle on” he shouts – could he not have made himself one before going outside?

Not only do all 3 kids want to be out there playing he thinks that’s fine, they need fresh air, great but, you have just cut the grass and not even raked it or swept up the patio so now there is grass all over my kitchen floor, that I have just washed as the kids keep coming in and out.

Don’t Piss Off Something That Can Bleed For A Week And Not Die!


“Can you get the rake out the shed love?” – No I flipping can’t get it yourself your right next to the shed and I am in the kitchen drying the dishes.

So I spend the free time I have in the kitchen, I decide to clean out all the kitchen cupboards, there’s crap everywhere.

“Have we got any bin bags?” – Why don’t you come in and have a look?

Honestly why men can’t get organised and take everything with them that they need? Why do they have to rely on us women to help them?

Why are women more thoughtful? If I were going to cut the grass for example I would have made myself a cuppa, grabbed the bin bags and got the rake and brush from the shed before even starting the lawnmower.

So that simple incident sparked off an afternoon where everything he did annoyed me. He always knows how to wind me up and does it all the more on purpose. In the end we spent an hour not talking until I had to apologise, yes me and I hadn’t even done anything. I crossed my fingers behind my back as I didn’t mean it.

Yet I still won the argument that women are much more resourceful and tasks take half the time when we do them as we are more organised.

I am in one of those pissed off moods today and don’t piss off something that can bleed for a week and not die. You won’t win!

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