Creativity Magazine

Don’t Hang Your Laundry On An Email

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Don’t Hang Your Laundry On An Emailblank vertical space, 24 pixels highLaundry? Email? Say what??blank vertical space, 24 pixels high

Just a quick tip: if you’re sending someone a cold email, including an attachment can trigger a spam filter which routes the email to Trash.

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What’s a cold email? An email you’re sending to someone who doesn’t know you.

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As a freelancer, I send out cold emails all the time. I send them to prospects who might have a need for my work.

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You can’t blame companies for using spam filters. 45% of emails sent every day qualify as spam.

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Spam filters are designed to delete emails with attachments because a lot of malware is distributed that way: you open the attached file and out pops a virus that sets up shop on your hard drive.

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Suppose your cold email makes it past a spam filter– what are the odds the recipient will click on the attachment?

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Pretty much nil because of the malware danger. Put yourself in their place– you’d trash the email, too.

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Another good reason to avoid attachments: they increase the size of an email, which means it will take longer to load– always annoying for a recipient.

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Is there a work-around? Yes: simply include a link to the file rather than attaching it. You can even include a call-to-action button that serves as the link.

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