Everyone has a pair of jeans that are faded and on the brink of being thrown out.. so I’m going to show you how to create your very own ripped jeans to save them from the bin! This works particularly well on skinny jeans! All you need to create your very own grungey masterpiece is a scissors, a cheese-grater and something to mark out lines if you like.
Try the jeans on and figure out where you want to mark out the rips, remember if you’re cutting around the knees that they will stretch with wear and get bigger. so don’t go too wild or you’ll end up with giant gaping holes.

1. Mark out where you want to cut with chalk.
2. Make a small snip in the center of the mark to make it easier to cut the line straight.
3. Use the cheese-grater (smallest grater size) to rub against the edges to make them less neat and more grungey.
4. Keep rubbing against the grain of the rips until they are frayed and messy. Pull out any strings by hand to make the ripped jeans look more distressed.