Inter-species introductions follow the same basic rules of adoption as same species. If you are adopting a cat for your dog, it’s best to have a smaller dog so the two are relatively the same size. A puppy is a better choice for an existing cat for two reasons. First, most puppies have not had a chance to discover how much fun it is to chase a cat. And second, a puppy is less threatening to an existing cat than a full-grown dog.
Do not think that only a puppy will work for your cat. If an adult dog has already been socialized to be with cats, or if your cat has had a good relationship with dogs, the job of introducing them will be that much easier. There are many adult dogs who don’t really care about cats. In this case, the two would make excellent companions.
There are several things to consider before introducing a new dog to your existing cat. You must protect the health of both by making sure that their vaccinations are up to date and that each is free of worms and fleas.
Cats are very territorial and do not appreciate any change in their environment. Therefore, no matter what, adding a dog will be a stressful situation for them. Be sure your cat is mentally and physically healthy before introducing him to a dog. Ask a friend to bring the dog to your home. Be sure the dog is on a leash and under control at the time of arrival. Your friend can then turn the dog and leash over to you. If your cat does not run and hide, let him make the first advances toward the new dog. If the dog displays any inappropriate aggressive behavior toward the cat, the dog should be quickly and firmly corrected with a slight jerk on the leash and a verbal “no.” This is just the beginning of your assertion as this dog’s leader, and as the leader, you should not ever let him chase the cat. After they get to know each other, friendly games of chase are fine.
After an hour or so of this controlled introduction, release your dog with the leash still attached, and let the dogs and cats come together. It is the dog’s natural instinct to chase, so be prepared to grab the dragging leash and assert your leadership. Be warned! Your cat might go on the offensive. Be prepared to protect your dog’s eyes or nose from scratches. Chances are very good that your cat is going to retreat to high ground and survey this new creature from a safe height while your dog explores the house. Your dog will adjust fine.
Your cat will be under some stress and might take several weeks to act as he did before this newcomer arrived. Talk to your cat, give him lots of petting and great food treats. Be understanding and forgiving if he sprays a time or two, or if he jumps up on something that is normally off limits. He will get used to the idea of having a dog around, and chances are very good that they will become best friends. –Homeward Trails Animal Rescue, Arlington Virginia www.homewardtrails.orgComments
Tags: can dogs get along with cats, cats and dogs, cats and dogs get along, dog friends, dogs and cats