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Dog Uses Surfing Skills as Form of Therapy for People

By David13676 @dogspired

RicoA dog with a bizarre love of surfing uses her skills as a form of therapy.

Golden retriever Ricochet goes surfing with war veterans, children and the disabled to help cheer them up.

She was originally turned down as a guide dog, as she kept chasing birds, so owner Judy Fridono tried to find another way she could help people.

Judy took her to the beach near their Del Mar, Calif., home where Ricochet opted to do more than just doggy paddle.

After proving to be a natural on a board, Judy decided to share her dog’s skills with others.

Together they have raised tens of thousands of dollars and have more than 200,000 likes on Facebook.

“Most people say they can’t think of words to describe how they feel when surfing with Ricochet,” said Fridono, executive director for puppyprodigies.org in San Diego.

“She’s able to communicate in a language left unspoken and allows people to feel at ease while healing — through surfing — is taking place.

Fridono says another common thread among those Ricochet interacts with is that their confidence improves from spending time with the dog.

“Whether she is surfing with the kids, people with disabilities, or Wounded Warriors, everyone involved says it’s an experience of pure joy,” Fridono said.

“The most noticeable thing about Ricochet is how she is able to instantly connect and develop a deep heart-to-heart bond with everyone on the first interaction.

“She has an ability to mirror other people’s emotions, and has a soft, caring and nurturing personality,” Fridono added.

“She also won’t let someone stop petting her.”

~ Via Daily Mail

Tags: dogs and people, service dog, surfing dog, Therapy dog

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