left: A happy Alsatian before grooming salon visit; right: Alsatian after grooming visit shaved and unhappy | Apex
Pet grooming salons are one of the best places to take our dogs when it's time for a bath, trim or blow dry, but what happens when you take your pooch in for a wash and she comes out bald? That's what happened to this owner of an Alsatian when she took her pooch in to the local grooming salon.

A spark breaks out between dog owner and pet salon groomer
over a wash that turned into a disastrous shave | Apex
of a 7-year old Alsatian/German Shepherd mix named Star says that her dog is now “distressed and shy” after visiting the Crownhill Pet Supplies and Grooming in Plymouth, Devon in England, according to the Daily Mail.
Ms. Parker says that she requested for “a good wash” but groomer Julie Stokes insists Ms. Parker asked for her dog to have a shave off because her fur and skin were in very poor condition.

A "distressed and shy" Alsatian after her visit to the groomer | Apex
At 3:30pm she called the the salon and was told the groomer was “brushing and brushing but more hair was coming out”. By the time Ms. Parker arrived at the shop at 5pm, she said the groomer began shaving Star. “When I saw Star I was disgusted, shocked. I said "Oh my God, what have you done?" She just kept saying she was doing me a favor. She didn’t apologize.”

The Crownhill Pet Supplies in Plymouth, Devon where the dog shaving
incident occurred | Google/Apex
the Tail Ms. Stokes, the salon owner begs to differ as Ms. Parker is now refusing to pay the $60 (£40)bill. She claims Ms Parker asked for Star to be shaved.
“At first she asked for the dog to have a trim, that is what it was booked in for, but when she arrived she said she wanted a 'shave-off'. “She said she also wanted the dog to have a flea bath as it had fleas, which I said would take a long time but could be done.
“Basically I felt like I was being done. She booked for one thing then asked for a lot more when she arrived.” She said that Ms. Parker called repeatedly and was given updates and claimed that “The dog had been in a very poor condition, her fur was matted, there was dirt hanging off her hindquarters and she had fleas. I have kept the fur so you can see what state it was in.

left: Ms. Linsey Parker from Plymouth, Devon,
right: her shaved dog Star | Apex
“Saying she isn’t happy is a good way to get a free groom, I didn’t charge her, but I am obviously very unhappy that she is saying I have done a bad job, done something she didn’t ask for. “I have been building up my business since 2007, I groom up to four or five dogs a day and I have a lot of very happy customers.” Ms Stokes also remarked on the photos of Star’s appearance on Ms Parker’s Facebook page: “What I would say is I note there are no before and after pictures.”
SOURCE: Daily Mail