Tech Magazine

Does the Economy Affect a Blogger’s Income?

Posted on the 07 August 2012 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Economy & Blogging imageDoes a bad economy affect a Blogger’s traffic and earnings?  Likewise, does a good economy also impact the income that a Blogger can generate?  I am throwing these questions out there for other Bloggers to answer or offer feedback based upon their own experiences.  I do not really have a definitive answer for these questions, but I can speculate based upon what I have noticed in my own blogging career over the last couple of years.

No one can deny that we have seen tremendous swings in the economy over the last four plus years.  We have seen recession followed by recovery and dip after dip ever since the beginning of 2008.  Bad job numbers, high unemployment rates, problems in Europe, housing market crashes, and issues with big banks, rising oil prices etc., have all affected our daily lives in one way or another. 

Is a Bad Economy Good for Bloggers?

In my time as a Blogger, I have always blogged about various Home Business opportunities.  As such, I have noticed a trend with regards to the economy and the home business industry in general; whether that is Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, Blogging, and so forth.  In times when the economy appears as if the world is coming to an end, interest in the Home Business industry skyrockets.  When people are faced with layoffs or decreased salaries, they turn to the Internet to research potential opportunities to make money from home in order to supplement their lost income.

For this reason, a bad economy appears to be good news for any blogger who blogs about home business related opportunities, or offers “How To” information pertaining to marketing online and blogging in general.  The concept of “making money online” has always been a hot topic, but even more so when people are searching for ways to make some extra money as the economy takes another dive.

Is a Good Economy Bad for Bloggers?

But on the flipside, I have noticed the exact opposite effect when the economy bounces back and skepticism about the world economy begins to fade.  I own and operate two blogs, both of which are tailored towards the Home Business communities.  My other blog provides information pertaining to Network Marketing type businesses; and of course, this blog is designed to teach new and intermediate bloggers how to blog.  Needless to say, I have noticed a severe drop in website traffic to my blogs, and as a result, a drop in earnings. 

I am curious to learn if I am the only one.  I would venture to guess that bloggers who focus on different niches are not impacted as much by factors that affect the economy.  But I could be wrong. 

Has the economy affected your blog?

If you blog about topics focused on the overall category of Home Business, do you feel the impact of a good or bad economy?  Does your traffic and earnings increase when the economy is in the toilet?  On the other hand, do you notice a decrease when the economy turns around for the better?

If your blog serves a totally different niche that does not pertain to home business; are your traffic and earnings affected by a strong or weak economy? 

We are dying to see if there is a trend here.  Does the economy impact all bloggers, or just those that write about topics that become a hot commodity when the economy suffers, but then loses momentum when the economy turns back around?

In other words, we are trying to see if there is a reciprocal relationship between the economy and blogging; where a bad economy is good news for bloggers, and a good economy is bad news. 

Please help us out and share your thoughts and experiences!  Tell us about your blog!

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