Jeff Sessions: A money launderer's best friend.
Executives from 20 corporate entities in and around Birmingham attended a 2015 luncheon of the Alliance for Jobs and the Economy (AJE), the "money-laundering entity" at the heart of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal, according to documents obtained by, which operates under the CDLU public charity and advocacy group.
K.B. Forbes, CEO of the CDLU, reports that the documents indicate more business leaders were tied to the AJE than was previously thought. And yet, it seems they enjoyed a cloak of protection, apparently because of certain right-wing political figures in key positions.Writes Forbes, under the headline "Corporate Execs Were Protected by Southern Company Lackeys; Balch Warned that Emails Could “Easily End Up in the Wrong Hands”:
For at least two years, 2017 and 2018, U.S. Attorney Jay Town, Principal Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey H. Wood, and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions appear to have never allowed a probe of Southern Company or an expansion of the investigation in North Birmingham to happen on their watch.
Since the Southern Company criminal RICO enterprise had their grip on the U.S. Department of Justice with three of their most staunch lackeys in key positions, no probes or an expansion of the North Birmingham Bribery Scandal ever happened.
The documents we, the CDLU, received anonymously included a list of corporate attendees to a luncheon of the Alliance for Jobs and the Economy (AJE) that was held on November 30, 2015.
The AJE, an entity pushed by ex-Alabama Power Chairman and CEO Mark A. Crosswhite, was the organization that laundered more than $360,000 in bribes to former State Rep. Oliver Robinson (D-Birmingham).
Through the emails and documents that we have obtained, more than 20 entities were involved at some point with the AJE.
The “lone wolves” theory issued by disgraced ex-U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town was a crock. Southern Company was involved (as were others) and a good prosecutor should have interviewed each and every entity and individual involved, even if their involvement was peripheral.
Were some heavy hitters tied to the celebration of AJE? Oh yes, writes Forbes. But not everyone tied to the event was comfortable about it. And that includes Balch & Bingham, Alabama Power's "sister-wife" law firm:
From Jim Proctor, Senior Vice President of Legal and External Affairs, at McWane, to Chip Grizzle, General Counsel at Brasfield & Gorrie, from Van Richey, the CEO and President at American Cast Iron Pipe Company, to Joe Howle, the Manager of Environmental, Community, and Government Affairs at Vulcan Materials, each and every individual who had any interaction with AJE should have been interviewed.
Now with a new EPA director, Michael S. Regan, and new leadership at the U.S. Department of Justice, law enforcement should re-open the North Birmingham Bribery Probe and investigate Southern Company’s criminal RICO enterprise, and the other 19 or so entities involved with AJE.
Embattled law firm Balch & Bingham was so wary and preoccupied with the scheme that Balch partner Steve McKinney dispatched an email in April of 2015 warning staff and Drummond executives to be careful about dispersing information in email correspondence since “your emails will not be privileged and it is not hard to imagine that they could easily end up in the wrong hands.”
That sounds like McKinney foresaw the possibility of criminal charges. But still, the business community was in a celebratory mood when it came to the AJE, reports Forbes. And that includes a certain political figure who often stands well above everyone else:
In an addition to that email, we also received a list of attendees to an AJE luncheon, showing that many leading businesses were invited to participate at the inception of this money laundering entity.
At the lunch was Mike Thompson, the owner of Thompson Tractor who was listed as a director of the AJE in the incorporation documents from the State of Delaware.
Thompson allegedly took Balch & Bingham’s biggest stooge, former U.S. Senator and Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange, directly to Drummond headquarters in 2014 to meet Drummond family members and pick up a $25,000 check.
A few days later, Strange signed a letter ghost-written by Balch & Bingham attacking the EPA’s efforts to put the North Birmingham Superfund Site on the National Priorities List and expanding the site to include the City of Tarrant.
An official act in exchange for an alleged $25,000 bribe?
Without a doubt, now is the time to re-open the North Birmingham probe and question all of these business leaders and entities.
(Note: Portions of the email and list of luncheon attendees can be viewed by clicking this link.)