Fashion Magazine

Doctor Who Experience

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Hello and happy Friday!! I must admit I am failing a bit on the whole blog everyday in June as I missed yesterday and today was supposed to be an OOTD post the weather has gone haywire and taken my plans with it!!
So instead I thought I would share with you my visit to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff which I did at the end of last month.
I have been desperate to go for ages and as it is my 40th Birthday soon this was an early birthday present to myself!!
We traveled down early on the Tuesday morning as we have booked to go in between 11-11.30 (you choose a timed slot when booking), parked the car and headed off. Be advised that the car park right by the actual venue is tiny so we found a multi storey in Cardiff Bay and parked there instead. It is signposted with these signs....
Doctor Who Experience
We headed off and booked ourselves in and were handed landyards with a crystal in which are your passport to Gallifrey. Now I don't want to give away what happens inside the actual experience (spoilers!!) but I will say that it was awesome and actually a little bit scary. If like me you are a fan of Doctor Who then you will love it.
You aren't allowed to film or take photos inside the experience as they don't want to give away what happens but once you get into the exhibition hall you are free to take as many photos as you like.
So here are some snaps from the day.
Doctor Who Experience
Doctor Who Experience
Doctor Who Experience
I was just in geek heaven, the tardis interiors are truly a magnificent sight and you can get quite close to the tardis interior from the 9th and 10th Doctors. There is every costume you could ever want to see, all the villains are there including all the different types of Dalek. It actually made me feel quite emotional at times as music was playing from the 10th Doctors episodes and I was just overwhelmed at how much was on display.
Once you get through the display you come to the gift shop which sells everything you could ever want and had something for all budgets. I came home with a Tardis canvas tote bag and umbrella, whilst Oliver bought a t-shirt, badges and a print of the current Doctor. I have never seen so much merchandise and if I had the money I could have shopped up such a storm!!
Doctor Who Experience
After we finished we strolled back through Cardiff Bay which is an area that I love we were so lucky with the weather. Of course we had to visit Torchwood HQ or what is supposed to be Torchwood HQ but sadly there was no sign of Captain Jack!!
Doctor Who Experience
Oliver did however have great fun running through the water and got totally soaked in the process!!
Doctor Who Experience
I also love the Welsh Assembly building in Cardiff Bay so of course I had to take a photo!
Doctor Who Experience
We also found a fab Wetherspoons called The Mount Stuart so we had to go (my hubby is called Stuart) and we sat out on the balcony and had the most amazing view. I also loved that they had telescopes you could look through so that kept Oliver entertained whilst we had a quick cool drink!
Doctor Who Experience
So yes if like me you are a Doctor Who fan or someone you love is then you need to go!!! My son loved it and spent the next week talking about it and for me it is a day that shall be long remembered and never forget to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow!
Doctor Who Experience

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