Let’s cut to the chase. From 20-somethings to 60-somethings, we’ve all seen gals who don way too much makeup. As in the Christina Aguilera kind. The could-open-their-own-makeup-store kind. And the she-would-be-so-much-prettier-without-all-that kind.
In fact, I think many of us are excess makeup offenders and don’t even realize it! Not sure if your makeup look falls on the heavy-handed side, beauty enthusiasts? Take this quick test! If you answer two out of three “yeses” you could be an over-applyer:
-Does your amount of makeup make you look like a “prettier” version of yourself or do you look like a completely different person when the makeup comes off? [If the latter, you might be wearing too much makeup.]
-Does your foundation tend to “cake” and settle into facial crevices or do you only apply it to the needed areas (such as uneven skin tone around T-zone area)? [If the former, you might be wearing too much makeup.]
-Do you wear bold eye makeup and lipstick or pick one or the other? [If the former, you might be wearing too much makeup.]
Less Is More: Tips For Applying The Perfect Amount Of Makeup
So, what’s the magical formula for applying the perfect amount of makeup? First, it’s important to note there’s not a “one-size-fits-all” rule when it comes to each woman’s specific makeup needs; however, there are some general rules that help ensure your makeup says “natural” not “over-done”: Read on…
For the complete article go to Do You Wear Too Much Makeup? Take This Test! on GalTime.com! I’m thrilled to mention that Crows’ Feet, Cupcakes, and Cellulite has joined GalTime.com’s Editorial Beauty Expert panel and is a regular contributor!

What do you think, readers? In general, do you think women wear too much makeup? What are your “shouldn’t-do” makeup tips?