Well, enter a week full of fun, games, songs, snacks, and…yes, God. The church I go to strongly believes in the importance of investing in children, and so it has an awesome children’s program called NxtGen. Other that the great Orange program that NxtGen delivers to the kids every Sunday, the said week full of fun, generally called a DVBS, happens in the summer and it is usually NxtGen’s biggest event of the year. This year's DVBS is themed BREAKING FREE, and I am positive your child will have a great, great time in addition to learning valuable lessons and Biblical principles.

Before I give you the “when,” “where” and “how much” allow me to do a little more convincing through videos and photos. Since the birth of this blog, I have featured two of our DVBS’s: MAIN STREET and STUDIO GO!, with yours truly being at the helm of the former. I would like to first show the thank you video of said event.
The kids surely had a blast, and it was a great time of learning as well (each day in MAIN STREET was centered around a parable that Jesus taught, for example). Here are some photos from both those DVBS events.
Our last DVBS, called STUDIO GO! had over 130 kids!

Kids learn better by doing actions.

This is the "cafeteria" where kids can get yummy treats. (Oh, and my volunteer daughter Mesoo is at the back taking a well-deserved break)

It's so nice to see the kids dancing.

My kids are DVBS products. Here is Lynn (with a friend) when she was still young.

Here's preschool age Mesoo, during the same DVBS.

Lynn and the same friend as the previous picture above. They now give back as volunteers!

The lead dance leaders of MAIN STREET. I have a feeling Lynn will be given this responsibility someday.

Most of the volunteers are teenagers (like my two daughters), but adults also love to serve the kids as well.

Small groups are important for the kids to "munch" the lessons; and from what I heard, BREAKING FREE will emphasize this more than all the DVBS events in the past.

One of the games.

An activity based on the story of Gideon.

A skit with Queen Esther and the king.

My youngest child, Happy, who even eliminated his own sister in the games. That boy.

The youngest group is often the toughest to handle...but they're ADORABLE!!

Wet Sponge Dodgeball = brutally fun!

One of our wonderful adult volunteers! :)
So if you are interested to have your kids join this year's DVBS (which means Daily Vacation Bible School) dubbed BREAKING FREE, then here's the info you need to sign up:WHEN: April 20-25, 2015 (Monday to Friday); 8:30-11:30 AM
WHERE: CCF - Cagayan de Oro, located near Limketkai, across the street from Robinson's Mall and the Mallberry Suites car entrance. If you are a fan of the famous RedTail restaurant there, CCF is just right next to it.

You are welcome to visit us this coming Easter Sunday.
HOW MUCH: P500.00, which includes t-shirt and snacks. However, there is an early bird sign up discount of P100, but that is only until this Easter Sunday, April 4, 2015. Well, let this count as an invite to visit CCF on Easter Sunday (we call it by, in my opinion, a more appropriate name: Resurrection Sunday). The one giving the message/sermon is a great speaker and one of the great mentors in my life...not to mention that he is my boss. You will surely be blessed, but don't forget to stop by the lobby to register! You can also try contacting CCF-CDO here.So, what are you waiting for? Have your child join NxtGen's BREAKING FREE and have him or her learn about GOD and yet have a great time doing so.

(This blog site, Lessons Of A Dad is mostly about parenting, marriage, and other topics aimed to develop the reader’s mind, body, and soul. I’d consider it an honor if you’d follow or subscribe to this site. You can also go to my Facebook page here, and I’m also on Twitter at @lessonsofadad)