New Black Panther Samir Shabazz
Most of us know about the racist New Black Panthers (NBP) calling white people “crackers.”
Here’s NBP leader Samir Shabazz in January 2012, calling for blacks to kill white people and their babies: “We’re gonna have to kill some crackers”…”We’re gonna have to kill some cracker babies … some little Penelopes and some little Rodneys” . . . .
But do you know what the word “cracker” actually means?
I didn’t, and had thought the word is somehow related to crack cocaine. Until I read a reader’s comment on a news article about human body parts being found in the sewer of a Detroit suburb:
fuzzyspappy FatbngurlumtRwgRbefore cowboys, the term was used to describe the slave masters who “cracked the whip”
So I went to look the word up on Urban Dictionary:
Originally the white slave driver because he would “crack” the whip, hence the noun cracker.
Noun. Slang word used to refer to those of European ancestry. The word is thought to have either derived from the sound of a whip being cracked by slave owners, or because crackers are generally white in color.
opposite of nigger, an insult to whites… except white people aren’t dumb enough to walk around calling each other that word because it’s intended to be demeaning.
Racist term for a white person
And yet blacks, including President Lucifer’s attorney general Eric Holder, have the gall to insist blacks can’t possibly be racists, and only non-blacks — especially whites — can be and are racist.
On March 1, 2011, Holder said he was fed up with listening to whining whites who claim the Justice Department deliberately blocked investigations of black-on-white racism. Holder said, “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia [New Black Panthers intimidating voters in 2008], which was inappropriate .. .to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people.”
In other words, what Holder was saying is that some racism is worse than others. Some racist injustice is worthy of prosecution, but racism against whites is not because whites simply haven’t suffered enough. They don’t deserve legal protection. So, any injustices committed against white people should be swept under the rug. It’s not worth Eric Holder’s time.