Family Magazine

Do You Believe in Miracles?

By Mommynimfa @wazzuridea
Have you experienced or witnessed a miraculous event once in your life? Miracles, anyway, are defined as wonderful, surprising event or thing. For sure you have encountered one. If you think you haven't, let me remind you how your mom brought you up in this world. Carrying you in her womb for nine months is already a miracle. We are all products of miracle...miracle of life.

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Photo from Brosia

Today I read a news about a baby who was pronounced dead because of the frigid weather but discovered alive after two hours. She is a baby girl, who reportedly was born on the sidewalk. Her mother was supposed to rush to the hospital but she ran out of time. Too bad, as the temperature dropped below -15 overnight, as what The Star (click the link to read the full story) reported. That was effin cold! Thank God the baby survived. 

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